BRIAR DON'T YOU LISTEN!!!!!!!!!!,alright no more yelling,i read in a post that your going through those oxy's like theres no tommorw,rember what i told you about the devil comeing to pay you a visit when you run out?and i also told you that when you start takeing oxy's it's just a matter of time until it becomes a runaway train espically when chewing or snorting them,i also want to put a stop to your confussion about the differnce between percs and oxy's,there is no differnce except percs has tylnol in it,they are the same exact narcotic,with that said what are you going to do?i got an idea why don't you try to stop for just a couple days [48hrs] just so you know that what i'm telling you is the truth and the truth is oxycontin withdraw is straight from the pits of hell i promise you that,i hate to see anyone go through that sort of misery,like i said before if you can any way possible go to detox[do it now]i know first hand the pleasure and good feeling that little f***in pill can give ya,but i also know the pain and suffering that shortly follows......................vinny.
Briar, please listen to Vinny.....
I've talked before about my withdrawals not being that bad when I went cold turkey (my problem is I can't STAY clean), but from what I've heard, hydrocodone withdrawal is A LOT easier than oxycodone withdrawal..... And percocet & oxycontin are BOTH oxycodone.
Did your doctor prescribe these to you? Or are you self-medicating? You mentioned in another post that you were already chewing these up...... Rae gave us a website called & if you go on there, you can read stories of the people that have died from chewing up/snorting oxys. It's especially dangerous if you mix it with alcohol.
You've gone through soooooo much & I don't want to see you get caught up in this, too. I know many of you are against sub, but I think it might be best in your case...... It would keep you from doing other drugs, it would help with pain, & it would give you time to get your life back.
I'm here if you need me.
I've talked before about my withdrawals not being that bad when I went cold turkey (my problem is I can't STAY clean), but from what I've heard, hydrocodone withdrawal is A LOT easier than oxycodone withdrawal..... And percocet & oxycontin are BOTH oxycodone.
Did your doctor prescribe these to you? Or are you self-medicating? You mentioned in another post that you were already chewing these up...... Rae gave us a website called & if you go on there, you can read stories of the people that have died from chewing up/snorting oxys. It's especially dangerous if you mix it with alcohol.
You've gone through soooooo much & I don't want to see you get caught up in this, too. I know many of you are against sub, but I think it might be best in your case...... It would keep you from doing other drugs, it would help with pain, & it would give you time to get your life back.
I'm here if you need me.
Hey Danielle, one draw back about sub is that its so darned expensive. (I don't know Briar's situation) Is there some kind of agency that would help people with this? Just curious cause I bet there's lots of people who could benefit from it but just can't afford it. If we knew things like that we could pass it onto people. Just a thought. Love, Kat
Kat, I wish..... Oh, and that reminds me, I need to keep on my nurse's butt to file the paperwork with the insurance company.......I had to pay cash & they're supposed to file the paperwork so that I can be reimbursed, and I don't know if they did it or not.
I DO remember one person telling me on here that they only pay $20 for the sub and $20 for the doctor's visit because they have insurance..... So every case is different.
You're right, the sub IS very expensive.... but so were the pain pills. The first month especially was a lot for me because it was $400 up front, the pills were about $300 that month (now I am on a dose where it is $150 a month), & I had to go back in one week and then two weeks later (but she counted one of those visits as part of the $400). Now I only have to go once a month ($200) and my medicine is $150..... That's only $350 a month - VERY expensive, but a lot of us were spending that on pain pills any way (I know the pain clinic I went to charged $200 CASH a month, the pills from doctors I paid about $150 a month for, and then when you have to buy them for $5 a piece, THAT adds up.....)
I DO remember one person telling me on here that they only pay $20 for the sub and $20 for the doctor's visit because they have insurance..... So every case is different.
You're right, the sub IS very expensive.... but so were the pain pills. The first month especially was a lot for me because it was $400 up front, the pills were about $300 that month (now I am on a dose where it is $150 a month), & I had to go back in one week and then two weeks later (but she counted one of those visits as part of the $400). Now I only have to go once a month ($200) and my medicine is $150..... That's only $350 a month - VERY expensive, but a lot of us were spending that on pain pills any way (I know the pain clinic I went to charged $200 CASH a month, the pills from doctors I paid about $150 a month for, and then when you have to buy them for $5 a piece, THAT adds up.....)
Whew Danielle, that is alot. Yeah it's true we all went to some expensive lengths for our drug use too. I think though it might be hard for alot of people to come up with all that at once. It's just a shame in my opinion, if there's something out there that can really help, that they have to charge so much for it. Maybe it's because it's relatively new, perhaps once it's been around awhile it will get cheaper. Maybe they'll come out with a generic sub or something. Love, Kat
yea all i know is if you can avoid it do it no matter what it takes,looking back on my life i can't believe i made it through all those withdraws 86 to be exact,and the sad thing is i awlays went right back to it like a fool,make no mistake i am only one pill away from going right back into that misery,thats the crazy thing about this whole thing is you know if you do it your going to pay the price but we keep doing it anyways,it is very sad to say the least.............vinny.
Vinny, you went through w/d 86 times? omg! Hats off to you for being one tough and determined guy. Love, Kat
kat thanks,i don't know if i would call it tough,it seems more like stupid to me[lol] yea 86 times an't that sad it took me that long to finally realize i got a major problem,actually i knew it long ago i just didn't want to deal with it until i had no choice,anyways i hope you are doing well...............vinny.
Briar, my drs visits were covered. The sub was very expensive; 30 2mg pills were $73.00. That was for 6 days. But 15 8 mg pills (a two week supply) was only $61.00. The pills can be cut; and taken that way. The 8 mg pill is the way to go.
I took oxy, but I will tell you, the buzz is NO WHERE NEAR THE PRICE YOU PAY. Also, oxy isn't cheap, either. I think it is the same amount, depending on your insurance.
But, it comes down to this......oxy withdrawl is so damn bad, I would do whatever it took to avoid that. And I don't know your pain issues, Roe, but the sub does wonders for pain.
Good luck, girly. I hope you know that Vinny is coming from a place of love...
(BTW...he is a decent looking and he knows what he is talking about.
You need to call now and find out what you are going to do while you still can think. I would follow Carol's advice and taper with the remaining pills...
Hugs, Lady, and get your a** out of this mess....
I took oxy, but I will tell you, the buzz is NO WHERE NEAR THE PRICE YOU PAY. Also, oxy isn't cheap, either. I think it is the same amount, depending on your insurance.
But, it comes down to this......oxy withdrawl is so damn bad, I would do whatever it took to avoid that. And I don't know your pain issues, Roe, but the sub does wonders for pain.
Good luck, girly. I hope you know that Vinny is coming from a place of love...
(BTW...he is a decent looking and he knows what he is talking about.
You need to call now and find out what you are going to do while you still can think. I would follow Carol's advice and taper with the remaining pills...
Hugs, Lady, and get your a** out of this mess....
Vinny..what is it that Briar isn't suppose to listen too?
Yes, Oxy has the same components as percs but the difference is that it is a time-released med, making it very strong and dangerous if chewed or snorted. And yes, you're right, oxy does not have tyelnol in it. But it is different than percocet.
Briar..are you around an reading this stuff? You have an awful lot of people that care about and are worried as all get out.
Yes, Oxy has the same components as percs but the difference is that it is a time-released med, making it very strong and dangerous if chewed or snorted. And yes, you're right, oxy does not have tyelnol in it. But it is different than percocet.
Briar..are you around an reading this stuff? You have an awful lot of people that care about and are worried as all get out.
BTW, Vinny, what are you doing to keep the devil away? I know you went to detox, and the last I heard, you were gona go to meetings...
Tell some of us who need it how you stay away....what is your defense? Is it meetings? Is it from learning how painful the 86 (or times you spent in withdrawl? Let us know...we can all benefit from your experience....
Tell some of us who need it how you stay away....what is your defense? Is it meetings? Is it from learning how painful the 86 (or times you spent in withdrawl? Let us know...we can all benefit from your experience....
kerry how you doin?i'm not takeing anything except antidepresants for the mental s*** of the addiction,i been to a couple of meetings but for the most part i'm doing this on my own,for me it seems to be working,i'm starting back to work monday so my mind will be more fouced on the job instead of poping pills,i personally didn't care to much for the meetings most of the people there smelled like booze and looked like they haven't took a bath in a year anyways i seem to have the right out look this time around,before i thought i was able to take that demrol when i broke my ankle awhile back[how wrong i was] that just started the s*** all over again,bottom line is i can NEVER take another pill for the rest of my life not even one,and by the way your not to bad looking either kerry..................vinny
I agree with Vinny, withdrawing from percocet was hell on earth, That, in and of itself, keeps me from ever wanting to go through that hell again. As far as anyones situation with the mighty dollar, I mean give me a break, if you substitute sub for your pills your still going to come out ahead (money wise).
I mean how many people here were getting there pills ONLY by means of insurance, I am willing to bet 10% if not less. I think the expense of sub is just an excuse for many who claim "its soo expensive". Keep in mind I did not use sub, but some I think need it.
Best Regards,
I mean how many people here were getting there pills ONLY by means of insurance, I am willing to bet 10% if not less. I think the expense of sub is just an excuse for many who claim "its soo expensive". Keep in mind I did not use sub, but some I think need it.
Best Regards,
Hi Tom, I agree with you and I do think some people need it. I had just thought it might be tough for some people to come up with that initial amount of money getting started. I know i personally spent plenty on pills, but it was spaced out. I didn't go the sub route, it wasn't an option or I probably would have, but I know it would have been a real struggle for me to get started with it. Seems like it would be nice if they could open up clinics or something to help people out or an agency that offered some kind of assistance. It's really a shame since in other countries medical care is free so anyone who needs help can get it without the worry of some extreme expense, and that goes for all medical attention. I read somewhere that over half of all americans don't have medical insurance. I feel like since addiction is a disease, people who have it shouldn't be taken advantage of with extreme payments for treatment. I know it's an important investment and worth the money I'm sure, but I hate it for all the desperate folks out there that have to suffer because they are single moms or have low paying jobs...etc. I wish the medical community would show some compassion for people with addiction, but so far it looks like another way for them to make money off others sufferring. Don't you think? Love, Kat
I agree with you, but I am afraid that the disease we have (pills) is really a hidden epidemic at this point, herion and crack get all the g-money for such things.
I agree with you, but I am afraid that the disease we have (pills) is really a hidden epidemic at this point, herion and crack get all the g-money for such things.
Kat, I agree, it's hard to come up with that kind of money up front..... When I called & they told me it was $400, I thought "No problem - I have insurance" and they said "No, you have to pay the $400 up front & then we file with the insurance company & get them to reimburse YOU"
I made the appointment & then started crying..... I didn't have $400. That's a shame, but towards the end of my addiction, I literally was working just to pay for doctor's visits & pills (&, if we're being honest, only a small percentage of the pills that I got I used my insurance to get). I purposely had not gone to work all weekend so that when I went through withdrawal, I wouldn't have any cash on hand to give in and get more Vicodin.
My husband, the responsible one, thank God, took the money out of our savings & gave it to me..... I hated asking him for it because I hated that I had sunk to that point..... I had just taken my last pills the day before, I was starting to feel withdrawal symptoms, & I was on the floor, freaking out about what I was going to do. I had never felt more like a drug addict. He had gone through this routine with me soooooo many times & I hated that I was putting him through this again.
If it wasn't for him, I don't know what I would have done..... If someone makes plans to get off of pills & get on the sub, they could start saving money & find a doctor & prepare to cover the expense. But if you run out of pills & decide since you're going to go through withdrawals, you may as well quit for good, you probably don't have the cash on hand (because, if you did, you probably wouldn't have run out of pills in the first place).
I think the government/doctors should at least let you work out a payment plan..... and maybe some of them do.
Anyone else? If you are on sub, how much did it cost? Did the doctor take insurance?
I made the appointment & then started crying..... I didn't have $400. That's a shame, but towards the end of my addiction, I literally was working just to pay for doctor's visits & pills (&, if we're being honest, only a small percentage of the pills that I got I used my insurance to get). I purposely had not gone to work all weekend so that when I went through withdrawal, I wouldn't have any cash on hand to give in and get more Vicodin.
My husband, the responsible one, thank God, took the money out of our savings & gave it to me..... I hated asking him for it because I hated that I had sunk to that point..... I had just taken my last pills the day before, I was starting to feel withdrawal symptoms, & I was on the floor, freaking out about what I was going to do. I had never felt more like a drug addict. He had gone through this routine with me soooooo many times & I hated that I was putting him through this again.
If it wasn't for him, I don't know what I would have done..... If someone makes plans to get off of pills & get on the sub, they could start saving money & find a doctor & prepare to cover the expense. But if you run out of pills & decide since you're going to go through withdrawals, you may as well quit for good, you probably don't have the cash on hand (because, if you did, you probably wouldn't have run out of pills in the first place).
I think the government/doctors should at least let you work out a payment plan..... and maybe some of them do.
Anyone else? If you are on sub, how much did it cost? Did the doctor take insurance?
Hi Vinny and everyone,
I just logged on and saw all the posts, wow, thanks for the concern. Vin, I am stubborn, I know it. But I will be going through this by myself because (this is a good example) this morning I had 6 of the 20's left and I was going to take one twenty every morning for six days, but I took them all, thought, I'm going to have to go thru this anyway, so might as well do it. I have no idea where to get sub. But I do have xanax and will use that along with all the other recommended stuff.
Do you remember that post about the devil that scared me? I did excatly what you said I would do. But I'm going to try to be as positive as I possibly can be about it.
Theres not much else I can do as I am officially out of pills. The only way thru it is thru it.
I see the doctor once a month. Last month he wrote the script for 180, a three month supply. Then a month later when I went to see him, he upped it from one forty in the morning and one forty at night to one forty in the morning and one forty and one twenty at night. Well, as I was leaving and he handed me the script, there was one for 30 of the twenties and 60 of the forties. Well, I knew it was a mistake, but I tried to get it filled anyway and the pharmacy said the insurance wouldn't pay because it was too early. So, I have a script for 60 forties but can't get it unless I pay cash which is out of the question because its like $325.00 for sixty of them. And theres no way I can pay that. I should destroy the script. Anyways, I'm clean for at least thrity days, have to be, I haven't got any more. I know I'm a fool, but I'm being honest and this is where I'm at right now. Vin, you survived the oxy withdrawl, I know it was bad, but you survived it. I know you don't want me to have to go thru it, but I have to. I put myself in this situation and now I have to w/d. I am going to try hard not to isolate and to keep posting even if I don't feel like I have the strength to drag my sorry a** to the computer.
Xanax lowers your blood pressure, so I'm not too worried about that. I mean, I am not gonna die, just be miserable for awhile.
I love you guys and so appreciate your concern and everything that you say to me.
VINNY- Are you coming to Florida in the fall??????
I just logged on and saw all the posts, wow, thanks for the concern. Vin, I am stubborn, I know it. But I will be going through this by myself because (this is a good example) this morning I had 6 of the 20's left and I was going to take one twenty every morning for six days, but I took them all, thought, I'm going to have to go thru this anyway, so might as well do it. I have no idea where to get sub. But I do have xanax and will use that along with all the other recommended stuff.
Do you remember that post about the devil that scared me? I did excatly what you said I would do. But I'm going to try to be as positive as I possibly can be about it.
Theres not much else I can do as I am officially out of pills. The only way thru it is thru it.
I see the doctor once a month. Last month he wrote the script for 180, a three month supply. Then a month later when I went to see him, he upped it from one forty in the morning and one forty at night to one forty in the morning and one forty and one twenty at night. Well, as I was leaving and he handed me the script, there was one for 30 of the twenties and 60 of the forties. Well, I knew it was a mistake, but I tried to get it filled anyway and the pharmacy said the insurance wouldn't pay because it was too early. So, I have a script for 60 forties but can't get it unless I pay cash which is out of the question because its like $325.00 for sixty of them. And theres no way I can pay that. I should destroy the script. Anyways, I'm clean for at least thrity days, have to be, I haven't got any more. I know I'm a fool, but I'm being honest and this is where I'm at right now. Vin, you survived the oxy withdrawl, I know it was bad, but you survived it. I know you don't want me to have to go thru it, but I have to. I put myself in this situation and now I have to w/d. I am going to try hard not to isolate and to keep posting even if I don't feel like I have the strength to drag my sorry a** to the computer.
Xanax lowers your blood pressure, so I'm not too worried about that. I mean, I am not gonna die, just be miserable for awhile.
I love you guys and so appreciate your concern and everything that you say to me.
VINNY- Are you coming to Florida in the fall??????
Oh thoughts and prayers will surely be with you this weekend. I hope it goes OK. I told you not to take all those you had left at once girl!
Do you have any help there? Do you have a friend who you can confide in so someone else knows what it going on with you, just in case?
Take care, be strong. Post when you can. : )
Hi Carol,
No, its just me, but thats okay, I'll just say I have the flu really bad. I am grateful for xanax tho, funny, I've been on them for four years and never had to have my dose increased. I'm prescribed 0.5mg up to three times a day and I never go over, in fact, most days I don't even take that much, I never liked them, but I need them for panic attacks, but I never liked the way they make me feel, just plain tired. But they will come in handy for this w/d.
The physical stuff in the past, while not fun, was doable for me, the thing that gets me the most in w/ding is that I am not motivated to do anything. I mean, now its not bad, I have some in my system, but once thats gone, I know I'm gonna feel like crap. I will be careful and make sure that whatever I'm feeling is just w/d related.
I don't know if your a smoker or not, but I am, and while on oxy's or percs, I smoke like a chimney and its starting to get to me. Carol, I'm 47 years old and except for my knees and shoulder and ankle pains, I'm in damn good health, I just had my cholesterol checked and its fine, I'm lucky so its time to start taking care of myself. I know I'll be really sick, but I also know I'll get better. I love ya and appreciate your concern, I'll keep posting ok? Love, Roe
No, its just me, but thats okay, I'll just say I have the flu really bad. I am grateful for xanax tho, funny, I've been on them for four years and never had to have my dose increased. I'm prescribed 0.5mg up to three times a day and I never go over, in fact, most days I don't even take that much, I never liked them, but I need them for panic attacks, but I never liked the way they make me feel, just plain tired. But they will come in handy for this w/d.
The physical stuff in the past, while not fun, was doable for me, the thing that gets me the most in w/ding is that I am not motivated to do anything. I mean, now its not bad, I have some in my system, but once thats gone, I know I'm gonna feel like crap. I will be careful and make sure that whatever I'm feeling is just w/d related.
I don't know if your a smoker or not, but I am, and while on oxy's or percs, I smoke like a chimney and its starting to get to me. Carol, I'm 47 years old and except for my knees and shoulder and ankle pains, I'm in damn good health, I just had my cholesterol checked and its fine, I'm lucky so its time to start taking care of myself. I know I'll be really sick, but I also know I'll get better. I love ya and appreciate your concern, I'll keep posting ok? Love, Roe
Briar, I'll be on the computer all weekend because I'm studying for a Finance test, so if you need to talk while you're going through this, I'm here
Although some people may find this hard to believe, I am just like you in that I can have xanax with me at all times and NEVER, EVER abuse the drug. I have been prescribed everything from xanax to ativan to klonopin & valium for panic attacks & I can't stand the way they make me feel. I hate them. Years ago, I took them on a daily basis.... I had just started having anxiety attacks & didn't really know what they were or how to control them..... but for the last 8 or 9 years, I've only taken them "as needed". Sometimes I go 3-6 months without taking one.....
Because of this, I had no problem using it for my withdrawals when I went cold turkey..... I was not worried about addiction because, unlike with pain pills, I didn't like the way they made me feel and did not crave them. Some people cannot do this though and taking them can cause an even worse addiction than they had with opiates.
Just be careful........ The oxy may not completely be out of your system & it can be very dangerous to take xanax while there is still some oxy left in your body. Did you look at that website that Rae sent us to? Mixing oxy & xanax can be fatal so you have to be really cautious with that...... Also, the withdrawals may get bad & you may end up taking more xanax than what is safe to make the pain go away..... You're a big girl, I know, but we're all just looking out for you.
Take care.
Although some people may find this hard to believe, I am just like you in that I can have xanax with me at all times and NEVER, EVER abuse the drug. I have been prescribed everything from xanax to ativan to klonopin & valium for panic attacks & I can't stand the way they make me feel. I hate them. Years ago, I took them on a daily basis.... I had just started having anxiety attacks & didn't really know what they were or how to control them..... but for the last 8 or 9 years, I've only taken them "as needed". Sometimes I go 3-6 months without taking one.....
Because of this, I had no problem using it for my withdrawals when I went cold turkey..... I was not worried about addiction because, unlike with pain pills, I didn't like the way they made me feel and did not crave them. Some people cannot do this though and taking them can cause an even worse addiction than they had with opiates.
Just be careful........ The oxy may not completely be out of your system & it can be very dangerous to take xanax while there is still some oxy left in your body. Did you look at that website that Rae sent us to? Mixing oxy & xanax can be fatal so you have to be really cautious with that...... Also, the withdrawals may get bad & you may end up taking more xanax than what is safe to make the pain go away..... You're a big girl, I know, but we're all just looking out for you.
Take care.