Brother Going Down-hill

I'm just after a bit of advice if possible. My older brother who I share a flat with has been addicted to Heroin for at least 3 years now and it seems that just recently he is deteriorating into some kind of smack-zombie I no longer seem to know, nor indeed like. It may seem a bit harsh to have said that but he always used to be a great guy I would look up to. Nowadays, he's stealing from me, and my parents to fund his habit. I just want to fu**ing slap him and tell him to sort it out ( not very brotherly I know ) but he really is fu**ing up what was once a close family. My oldest brother won't speak to him, my mums on anti-depressants and my dad has dangerously high blood pressure.
Heroin to me is the most selfish and dirty piece of sh*t.
He had some great mates about 5 years ago but has lost contact with them. He now has no real mates - just the people who depend on him to 'lend' them the odd tenner. They might do likewise when he's skint. they smell the same, dress the same, talk the same, I even see similarities in their faces. I swear I could spot a smack-head a mile off.
I really want to help him get off it but the problem is that he constantly lies to everyone, occasionally about the most trivial of things and he gets very agressive when I confront him. I think I'm starting to hate him and am considering throwing him out.
I know he was recently prescribed pills which ease the pain of coming off heroin but he just doesn't seem interested in it.
He gets in really stupid moods sometimes, singing and dancing around like an 8 year old (he's 28). Other times he's just sat on the sofa, eyes rolling/closing not saying a word. I'm considering filming him and showing what a complete prick heroin is turning him into.

What can I do to help him ?

you probably already know the answer to this bro but you can't change him unless he wants to change. No matter how much yelling or threatening or treatments or pills or whatever you want to try and give him won't solve a god damn thing if he wants to use. So how do you get him to not want to use? wish i had an answer. I can tell you I chose to quit because I saw there were better things in life then this and I was just throwing it away by using but I mean that can be anyone's generic answer. You have to actually believe it.
Other than that, making it as difficult as possible for him to use may be of service but who knows if he'll call your bluff. You could throw him out on the street and he'll become a peddler or bum and continue to use...heroin doesn't care one moment about one's well-being, just itself. Either way, don't feel guilty if you can't make him stop. he made the choice to be an addict just make sure that choice doesn't influence you in a bad way. It started with him and it has to end with him. and of course we all hope it ends in a positive way....

good luck
It may seem a bit harsh to have said that but he always used to be a great guy I would look up to.

Heroin to me is the most selfish and dirty piece of sh*t.

Dear L
I felt rather sad after reading your post and i took the liberty of copying and pasting two excerpts from your message...
I can tell you still care and worry about your brother as you were able to recognize and separate the fact that the brother you once looked up to is not the addict who is now a selfish dirty piece of sh* is the addiction.....the Heroin that has transformed him....but that great guy brother of your's is still there....i hope he can make it back sometime before Heroin totally dissolves him and realize that his sister still loves him...
Good luck MARY