lol..... I had a really fun day planned all week for 2day.Today ws the "excuse" day for my fiancee to have to take me to dinner & a movie,and maybe(if he ws smart) throw in a flower or 2.
HOWEVER, my fiancee is one of,if not the biggest Nascar fans out there. So in order to keep him happy and thinking im the best thing in the world since sliced bread,i have to let him "out" of the move/dinner/flower deal and let the sexy,buttheaded,redneck as% watch his Nascar race. Instead of taking a shower & looking nice 4 me,he's gonna end up sittin in his king chair(lazyboy chair),wearing his tank top,sweats,and old robe. WoW...what a wonderful V-day 4 me. lol.
Any other ladies or men out there having issues with Nascar today??
All the men out there...are there any of you that cant wait for the race to start ??Any race fans amung us?? lol.
I have been to every Talladega race since I was 7. Which I dont live to far from it. But no I am not ditching the day for the race, sorry. Im sure you are ok with it. Its not about the hype but just being together and thankful for each other. Tell him he can record it.
LOL...Stacey should weigh in on this one. She's the only woman I know that is so into Nascar that it's scary. She probably is sitting in her sweats and robe right now watching it too. Aren't you Stac... <eg>
Go shopping, that'll get even with him.
Go shopping, that'll get even with him.
Yup Gordie is all IN with Nascar! Thus her nickname Gordie for 24/Gordon aka Jeff Gordon!! Not sure she has internet access at home right now. Which is probably just as well because she is busy watching her racing. To say she loves it is an understatement!!
My husbands birthday is today as well, but yep the Daytona 500 is on. I made the mistake one year of asking him to go with me somewhere and he missed the last laps of the race. Lo and behold it turns out it was one of the closest finishes in history. So now, we don't do ANYTHING on race day. So I feel your pain! :)
WOW...turned off my cell (my only internet access) and just got a few to turn it bck on.I had no idea that there would b anyone who would post. Boy ws i
I 4get the name,but whoever said to go shopping, thats what i did. But then i came home cause i got a phone call frm the hubby tellin me that he ws making dinner. I ws SHOCKED!! till i got here and realized that he went out and got hot dogs and chips and put an old blanket (nascar of course) on the floor in front of the t.v and said he made us our own "tailgate" party for the race. lol. He really did try to make it a fun day. "A" for effort for him. sometimes you men out there have a way of comeing out on
the only bad part of the day...listening to him yell and scream that the track kept fallin claims all the ladies in the world said prayers 2 their higher powers and ruined the race for all the guys out there. (hahaha)
Hope you all had a GREAT day today...Valentines day or not.
I 4get the name,but whoever said to go shopping, thats what i did. But then i came home cause i got a phone call frm the hubby tellin me that he ws making dinner. I ws SHOCKED!! till i got here and realized that he went out and got hot dogs and chips and put an old blanket (nascar of course) on the floor in front of the t.v and said he made us our own "tailgate" party for the race. lol. He really did try to make it a fun day. "A" for effort for him. sometimes you men out there have a way of comeing out on
the only bad part of the day...listening to him yell and scream that the track kept fallin claims all the ladies in the world said prayers 2 their higher powers and ruined the race for all the guys out there. (hahaha)
Hope you all had a GREAT day today...Valentines day or not.
It's the thought that counts.
I would say that I know it was a special day for him and because of that you will let him make it up to you. Then make the plans that you wished for. This will insure that you won't be disappointed.
With my temper I would probably set his bathrobe on fire.
I would say that I know it was a special day for him and because of that you will let him make it up to you. Then make the plans that you wished for. This will insure that you won't be disappointed.
With my temper I would probably set his bathrobe on fire.
HAHAHA..."set his bathrobe on fire" im almost peeing my pants laughing so hard right now...only because HE did just that!! He yelled @ the t.v because of somethng and dropped his cigerette on himself. lol. it didnt really start on fire but it ws close to it. lmao.
Your so very right ws the thought that counted,and anyone who knws us as a couple knws it ws the best present ever to have him not only do what he did with dinner, but it ws the fact that he actually had in his mind that he wanted to do SOMETHING 4 me on this crazy Halmark Holiday.
Your so very right ws the thought that counted,and anyone who knws us as a couple knws it ws the best present ever to have him not only do what he did with dinner, but it ws the fact that he actually had in his mind that he wanted to do SOMETHING 4 me on this crazy Halmark Holiday.
That was so sweet.
Alice P! Now, now. We don't set nothing on fire up North, lady.
All I saw is it took so long to get that pothole fixed some racer was talking about The Iggles and Donovan McNabb. Excuse me, but he must have hit his head on the pothole cause he was wrong!
I like the NASCAR blanket picnic. Common interests at work!
Alice P! Now, now. We don't set nothing on fire up North, lady.
All I saw is it took so long to get that pothole fixed some racer was talking about The Iggles and Donovan McNabb. Excuse me, but he must have hit his head on the pothole cause he was wrong!
I like the NASCAR blanket picnic. Common interests at work!
LOL...I saw the title of this thread and my thought was I'm glad the "hallmark holiday" didn't screw with my NASCAR....
Even admist the issues at the track, what a freakin awesome race.....
I am in heaven and Jeff couldn't even drive yesterday, kept on wrecking...
And no Lisa, I had my shorts & tshirt on....
WooHoo, the season's started~!
Even admist the issues at the track, what a freakin awesome race.....
I am in heaven and Jeff couldn't even drive yesterday, kept on wrecking...
And no Lisa, I had my shorts & tshirt on....
WooHoo, the season's started~!
That's right, I forget you live where it's warm enough for shorts right now...I so pictured you in sweats and a Gordon t-shirt. Hat and all. lol