So...Day 24.....Still craving like crazy....But am slowly realizing each day without is only getting me back to the person I once was. Someone in which got lost a long time ago. But on a down note.......I got some test results today. Not good. With my recent doctor's visit, she ordered a catscan and there were abnormalities. Not exactly certain as to what they are, but have to now have an MRI done. I've spoken with doctor's about my struggles with my head and they only seem to want to give me the vicodin, or something along those lines. I just don't know if this is an option for me. My question is: Is it possible for me (someone struggling with this addiction) to be able to take pain pills responsibly? and is there a difference between being dependant on them and addicted to them. At the worst of my using I was taking 6 a day, 1 about every 3 to 4 hours (I see now that at times I did get euphoric from them, but at the time I just thought that I was in a good mood because I just didn't hurt) but for the most part it was strictly to take the pain away so I could get up and get on with my day.
Hi there! Boy, making it 24 days and this happens. I would try not to go back there, but living with pain is horrible too. I do it everyday, because I don't want to go back where I was. I guess you have to decide whether the pain is bad enough to go back on them and come off again. I definitely would have your husband take care of them and make sure you aren't taking more than you're suppose too. Hope everything turns out O.K.
Thanks for your response....Unfortunatly I'm not married, totally single and live alone...It's just the way things go. Story of my life. I'm not sure what I'll do...I guess I can't think about that until I know for certain what is going on in the ole head. It is in some weird way gratifying to know that this is real and not something that I'm making up, as has been suspected by numerous doctors. They can't chalk this one up to "well your just depressed and its making you feel something that isn't there" As I had mentioned in a previous post I have 2 open fontenelles in the back of my head (softspots) for some reason they never grew together as I developed, but because everything else about me is normal (whatever that word means) its just something I've been told to deal with. So...I guess I've got alot to think about and what I'll be doing when I see my doctor and if I do infact need to take something. The funny thing that keeps replaying in my head is the fact that up until I was 24 I barely touched tylenol, and because of a dr I now have a problem.........Arghhhhhh....what are ya going to do