Can't Get Help

I tried to get into a methadone clinic this week, with no luck. I am on oxy's 240-400 mg's, 3 years, and the drug test the clinic did was negative. How could this be? They said they test specificly for oxy, but none was found. I have taken the test three times with no luck. What do I do?
take one in front of them everyday hehe joking, i'm sorry i have no answer. i certainly wish you luck, what about sub? sub i hear is safer. someone will come along with a better reply.

Sub is way too expensive here in MA. I went that route before, but could not afford it. No doctors take Insurance, and the cheapest I could find was $150 a visit twice a week for the first month. $1,200 not including the script. I did tell them I would do one in front of them. They wanted nothing to do with that.
I don't know what to tell you about the test. So they are testing you and you want it to be positive to get in the methadone clinic? Is that what you are saying? WOW you are on a VERY dangerous high dose of oxy's. I think you will need to take a VERY dangerous dose of methadone to get out of feeling those withdrawls. Then you will still be in your same exact situation. It will be a bit*h to get off the methadone just like the oxy's.I was on methadone for 2 1/2 years but I was getting it from pain management. Is that an option for you? You need to try and enter a rehab, really. If that's not an option consult with a suboxone doctor. I don't know if you will have to wean down on the oxy's before starting sub but I would start now for your own good. Try weaning 5 mgs every 5-7 days until you can figure something out. Good luck~ I truly think sub would benefit you for a good month or two! That's if you can afford it.Rae
Rehab is not in the cards, as I cannot afford to loss my job. i have C/T-ed from this amount before. Rough, but did it. Then got sucked back in again. As I said before Sub is way to expensive. I can't wean, as I don't have the money to continue this.
if rehab isnt an option ... and sub isnt an option.... and you cant seem to wean... and you cant by some grace of God get into a meth clinic.. then what is your point...?... I mean just grit your teeth.. and quit... and maybe by some miracle you will get it this time... who knows.... but I must ask a question.... oxy's aint cheap where I come from .. in fact they are extremely expensive... at the doses you are talking about well sub should be alot cheaper at least for a few weeks.... are you sure you are really i mean really doing all you could do for your recovery?... or are you doing what most of us do in the situation you are at right now... maybe half azzing it and the other half giving lip serve to it... and then we can sleep at the end of the day by saying to ourselves... well i tried.... hooo hummm

I hope you can find recovery... cause rae is right with that dose you will either graduate to something else .. or you will OD.. it is that simple...

Matt, where are you getting that much oxy?

Dear Matt,

The suboxone would be much cheaper than your habit and much, much better for your safety, your future, your life! Stop the excuses and get your life back like my son did! He tells me that he feels better than he ever thought he could again.

God bless!

It doesn't matter where I am getting it. It matters that I get off it. What I said earlier was that I amtrying to get into a meth clinic, but the urinalysis keeps comming up negative for Oxy, or anything else for that matter. If I cannot get in I will have to go inpatient. Has anyone heard of a false negative like this? Any suggestions?
Just to clear something up. Sub is too expensive. I was in an accident three years ago. I was being perscribed Oxy until two month ago(when a urinalysis he did turned up negative). I was shut off from my doc C/T-ed and then found a street source. Now I have run out of my life savings. So I don't have the funds for sub.
I have a suggestion. Go inpatient. Did you ever think that may be the reason the test keeps coming back negative? This may be a sign to get your butt in treatment and not in the Methadone clinic. Everything happens for a reason.
Good luck~ Rae
Dear Matt,

Is it possible you qualify for some help from your County if your savings are gone? I, myself, don't recommend meth because that is VERY hard to withdraw from too. I'm sorry, I don' t have experience with false tests that way. I've heard of fixing them the other way. My son's addiction came from oxycontin. He couldn't afford it either and turned to breaking the law for money. Please don't go that route, because he still has to face those hearings and possibly time in jail...with NO FREEDOM! Keep trying to get some help. I'm sure there is someone who will help you! God are in my prayers!

Thanks for the replys. I am thinking inpatient might be the way to go. Any experiences
Hi, Matt

My son just moved to a partial from White Deer Run in Allenwood (near Williamsport), Pennsylvania. He absolutely LOVED it even though he didn't think he would. He said, after 24 days there, that he didn't want to leave. The people had become like family. It is highly rated and our county funds it. Wherever you go, I'm sure there are a lot of good people to help you. I wish you the best and will continue to pray for you for guidance and recovery.

I am so happy your son is doing so good. That is awesome news! You are a wonderful mother and he is so lucky to have you in his life. Take care! Rae

I wish you the best! I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers as well..
Matt..inpatient saved my life. I had never felt so safe and protected, I never wanted to leave. I hope that you can find a program like that. You truely need an extensive program, not the bandaid that sub and methadone offer when not followed up with a 12 step program.

I am really confused as to why you keep coming up negative? With that much opiate in your system, it hardly seems possible. Have they ever seen anything like that before? I would ask the dr or lab if that has happend. And like Boo said, maybe take a pill in front of them and then have them test you....

You sound so scared, I wish I had easy answers for you.... go to inpatient.

Strange how it coming up negative, are you sure you are taking oxy, maybe it some sort of bootleg drug meant to look like oxy, I dont know, odd though. If you wanted to pass you probably would not, now trying to fail, you pass.. kinda Ironic

My suggestion - inpatient. I had three years sober post in-patient at Caron Foundation in PA. THE best experience i could have ever had. What part of the country are you in? I just started Sub yesterday as have been relapsed for years. BUT.......I CHOSE to use that first pill, drink, etc. AA/NA work if yyou no "I" stick with it. I gave up on recovery. Sounds like you've been through this before too. There are some great recovery resources WITH funding for inpatient. Again.... what part of the country are you in? Trish
Dear Rae,

Thanks for the kind words and the enthusiasm. Please keep my son in your prayers. We all know it's a lifetime fight! I will keep you in mine also. God bless!



I so happy your son is doing well. My best friends son had a big drug problem. He was in and out of jail many times. He finally found a good program about a year ago and had been clean ever since. It was his b-day yesterday. I saw him and he looks like a different person.
