Carol And Her Daughter...


Please dont be mad at me for singling you out but... OH MY GOD. I s*** you not, you are TWINS.

Im all my days, and there have been o'plenty hehe, I have NEVER seen a mother and daughter look SO MUCH alike.

It literally blew me away. I am a cynical person so I even had to make sure it wasnt shopped up. Looks like it was cropped but we all crop pics.

And what is even more rare: You are both hot... I wouldnt kick either one of you out of bed. Unless it was to do you on the floor. HA! (dont be offended, Im a girl)

Seriously though... that is amazing, you two should try to get into TV or at least join photo contests.

You probably hear this all the time and think nothing about it but you two look so much alike it is freaky, but in a good way.

You are both B E A U T I F U L. What does Dad think about his lil girl being just like Momma? He must eat that up!

Oh and let me guess... shortly after her bo's meet Mom they propose... yeah? haha Stupid if they dont. I dont know how old you are but I hope to look half as good as you at your age.

Drugs may have had you for a bit, or even now, Im new but they certainly didnt harm your looks. Cant many say that. Youre lucky.

Too cute. Now, where is my Doublemint dammit.

Dear Here Here, Not sure if you talking about me and my daughter, but if so, thanks for the compliments. :-)
Merry Christmas!

I agree Here4now,

Carol is stunning...inside and out. Her daughter is blessed to have her moms looks.

Yup, you... it is amazing. Bet you hear it all the time. Stunning the similarities.