I already know that you do custom jewelry. I have to confess that I've only glanced at your work. But, do you do rings?
Why I'm asking is because I've heard of "widow rings". And I'm not talking about the ones that replace your wedding band. I'm talking about the ones you can wear WITH your wedding band.
The reason I ask is because my engagement and wedding ring are not the conventional type and I would be interested in something like this that could actually be worn with what I've already got.
My engagement ring is not the typical diamond solitaire. It's an emerald (because that is the gem I liked) surrounded by diamonds. Think Princess Di (only hers was a sapphire and much MUCH bigger!) And then we had the wedding band made to fit around that.
Anyways, let me know if you have any ideas. Like I said, I don't know what all you do.
Jodie, Goos morning! I am on my way out the door, but wanted to answer you quickly.
I do beaded jewelry, and I think what you need is a silversmith, or someone who works with the precious metals....silver, gold, platinum....who can form you a ring to your specs.
Sorry. I wish I did that sort of work, but so far, I don't.
Thanks for thinking of me, though, and I will look around and see if I can come up with any ideas for you.
Try this.......go to etsy. com, and type in "widows ring" in the search box. Someone there no doubt will be able to help you.
Have a great day!