How's the puppy? I'm asking cuz I am picking up a chihuahua tomorrow and am so excited! She's 7 weeks old and soooo tiny!! I need to know training isn't going to be as scary as I'm making it to be in my head. Any tips?
12 stepper
Awww Come on. Doesn't anyone have a puppy tips???
Hi puppy is so great. Very smart.
Kat is the one to ask about your pup, she raises them!
All I know is that you have to stay on top of them every 20 minutes or so and take them outside so that they get used to doing their business there and not in the house.
Love em death and take her everywhere with you.
What are you going to name her?
Kat is the one to ask about your pup, she raises them!
All I know is that you have to stay on top of them every 20 minutes or so and take them outside so that they get used to doing their business there and not in the house.
Love em death and take her everywhere with you.
What are you going to name her?
i used the dog crate system, until my puppies were old enough to control themselves...i found it to be very helpful...once the dog realizes that its house is also the house that the humans live in it will not mess...
I haven't come up with a name yet. I was thinking Pico which is Spike in Spanish (I've been told) cuz I have a min pin at home. Spike was already housebroken when I got him so I missed out on that "joy". I've been thinking about the crate thing but won't she be lonely??? I mean with Spike running around and all? She's sooo tiny. I am open for name suggestions.
Oops, boss is here. Gotta run.
Oops, boss is here. Gotta run.
I use the crate at night for Sydney. That way I get some sleep and she doesn't have run of the house and get into something that will hurt her. I take her everywhere with me during the day. I even took her to the barn yesterday and put her in a saddle bag while riding. She loved it.
The name is so cute....can't wait to see pictures.
Come on Kat..where are you?
The name is so cute....can't wait to see pictures.
Come on Kat..where are you?
Hey 12 stepper, I have tons of tips for you. I raise chihuahuas and have three. Unfortunatly my son is home from school sick with tonsilitis and he needs me right now. When I can get back on, I will look for this thread and share puppy stories with you. Love, Kat
Hey I have a puppy named Yuki. She is about 5 months now. She is the cutest pup I've ever seen! She's my avatar! I have used a crate for her. She loves it. She thinks of it as her den. I also crate her at night. And sometimes during the day when I have to study or have to really concentrate. We are in private classes and she is doing awesome. Just take her out alot. Use a feeding schedule. Rus has good puppy tips. He told me of a book called. "Mother Knows Best". It is great for starters. Lots of good tips. Amazon has it. My trainer has been invaluable for me in helping me with the little things. I keep a lead on her in the house. One I made so she can run around but not get so far out of reach I can't get her when she is into something she shouldn't be into. They will explore into everything. Like Kat says you just be patient and love em cuz you are their world. My dog loves to go out and is calmer because she goes with me alot. Loves the car. I've also socialized her to as many people, animals, kids, dogs etc. as possible since I have had her. Makes them not so afraid. Have fun. Enjoy.
12 stepper crate training is the way to go. I have had dogs 42 out of my 43 yrs. Broken a bunch of them all through crate training.
Kat mentioned she has had 3 of them so def listen to her advice.
God I miss having a pooch.
Good Luck--Jeff
Kat mentioned she has had 3 of them so def listen to her advice.
God I miss having a pooch.
Good Luck--Jeff
She won't be lonely with a crate. But get one tiny that is for a tiny dog! Also put toys and a blanket and make it dark and comfy so it feels good for her. She will think of it as her safe haven. You will be happy and it's easy to potty train this way. If you take her out to potty and she doesn't go and you bring her in you can put her in the crate 10 minutes and then take her back out and she will probably go instead of on your carpet. It's just easier. Take her out to potty after she wakes from a nap, 20 min or so after she eats (some need to right after eating), and after she plays real hard. I think life is easier with a crate for sure. And sometimes she just goes in there to sleep all on her own now. Her little den. I also always give her a treat when she goes in there. I look at it as a good place for her not as a prison too.
Kat, I'll be watching for you. Take care of the youngster.
PM Your puppy is adorable.
I saw the neatest thing at Petsmart. It was a little pillow type thing you put in the microwave and the puppy sleeps with it. I don't know how long it would stay warm tho. One of my sponsees is also getting one of the pups and she bought one of those thingies so we'll see. We are buying up all kinds of crazy puppy things like pink beds and sweaters (don't forget we are in Fort Lauderdale).
Now if Wilma would just stay away I would be having a happy day :-)
Shoot. Boss here again. I'll never finish a post
PM Your puppy is adorable.
I saw the neatest thing at Petsmart. It was a little pillow type thing you put in the microwave and the puppy sleeps with it. I don't know how long it would stay warm tho. One of my sponsees is also getting one of the pups and she bought one of those thingies so we'll see. We are buying up all kinds of crazy puppy things like pink beds and sweaters (don't forget we are in Fort Lauderdale).
Now if Wilma would just stay away I would be having a happy day :-)
Shoot. Boss here again. I'll never finish a post
thanks she is my sweetie. she has really added so much to my world. i am seeing if i can post some pics i took tonite of her. you will go nuts at petsmart from here on out! lol. get your pocketbook out!! i made a big mistake the first day at petco. i just got back from a weekend road trip to pick yuki up and i went to petco for some supplies. it was late sunday. i used my credit card and i left my wallet on the ledge when i left. the cashier sort of confused things by doing something with my receipt and then rebagging my stuff and it was all a bit odd. so i shuffled out of there and didn't realize my wallet was left behind. the next day i figured out i left the wallet there. i called and oh yeah they had it. i went to pick it up and about $300 in cash was GONE. my months cash. i was trying not to use it on my trip to pick her up. i was soooo sick. i guess they had problems with the cashier but of course there was nothing anyone could do. i figured she took it because it was about closing time. so keep your wallet with you at petco!
I'm with e'one else - a crate trainer - we did buy a cage instead of a crate b/c my husband didn't like the idea that Dude (oldest Shih-tzu) couldn't see out of a crate as well - haha
Is this your first indoor dog?
My vet and groomer told me to listen to e'one and try it all and s'thing will stick.
Is this your first indoor dog?
My vet and groomer told me to listen to e'one and try it all and s'thing will stick.
I have a minpin that is my baby but he is alone all day so I am hoping whatever her name is will be company for him when she gets a little older. I am going to the pet store this afternoon for a crate. Leaving all credit cards at home though. That would be a little too dangerous. We are going out to breakfast then going to get her. YIPPEE!! I bet tomorrow after she keeps me up all night I won't be going yippee though.
I have a minpin that is my baby but he is alone all day so I am hoping whatever her name is will be company for him when she gets a little older. I am going to the pet store this afternoon for a crate. Leaving all credit cards at home though. That would be a little too dangerous. We are going out to breakfast then going to get her. YIPPEE!! I bet tomorrow after she keeps me up all night I won't be going yippee though.
It is so exciting - having a baby around - mine kept that baby look for about a year.
I do love puppies and they won't leave one day - like children do - haha
Have a ball, I know you will.
Love, Jean
I do love puppies and they won't leave one day - like children do - haha
Have a ball, I know you will.
Love, Jean
Hi 12 Stepper, sorry this took so long. You know what it's like taking care of a sick one. He's a little better today so I have some free time.
Chihuahuas are really unique dogs. They usually pick one person from a family and are totally devoted to them you didn't mention if your pup was a boy or a girl and that makes it different.
I have two boys and one girl. I am a little different than others here, I don't use the crate system. My P.J is with me constantly (even as we speak he's in my lap). At night he even sleeps with me.
House training......yikes. They're not the easiest breed for that. What worked best for me was to wait fifteen or twenty minutes after they eat and then take them out. Should they make an accident, be sure to clean that spot well or they will go back to it again.
Wee wee pads were helpful too.
They're very sensitive dogs and their feelings are hurt easily. Never use their name when scolding. Just say "no, no". In time, a frown will be almost sufficient.
In no time your pup will take on your personality. It's almost comical.
They tend to be lap dogs and will want to be next to you almost all the time.... I like that.
Be careful of things like hand feeding, if you do they won't eat from a bowl.
They're easy to teach tricks. Pj sits up on his hind legs to beg and will talk to me (woooo wooo), he also can dance in circles when I turn my hand around.
The only real problem I've had ever had is when I leave. In the early years I would come home to toilet paper torn all over the living room. It looked like snow.
Have fun with your new baby. I wouldn't trade mine for anything.
If you can think of anything to ask, please feel free!
Love, Kat
Chihuahuas are really unique dogs. They usually pick one person from a family and are totally devoted to them you didn't mention if your pup was a boy or a girl and that makes it different.
I have two boys and one girl. I am a little different than others here, I don't use the crate system. My P.J is with me constantly (even as we speak he's in my lap). At night he even sleeps with me.
House training......yikes. They're not the easiest breed for that. What worked best for me was to wait fifteen or twenty minutes after they eat and then take them out. Should they make an accident, be sure to clean that spot well or they will go back to it again.
Wee wee pads were helpful too.
They're very sensitive dogs and their feelings are hurt easily. Never use their name when scolding. Just say "no, no". In time, a frown will be almost sufficient.
In no time your pup will take on your personality. It's almost comical.
They tend to be lap dogs and will want to be next to you almost all the time.... I like that.
Be careful of things like hand feeding, if you do they won't eat from a bowl.
They're easy to teach tricks. Pj sits up on his hind legs to beg and will talk to me (woooo wooo), he also can dance in circles when I turn my hand around.
The only real problem I've had ever had is when I leave. In the early years I would come home to toilet paper torn all over the living room. It looked like snow.
Have fun with your new baby. I wouldn't trade mine for anything.
If you can think of anything to ask, please feel free!
Love, Kat
Glad the youngster's feeling better. Sick kids are no fun.
Kat, she is so tiny!! How often should I feed her? I bought Science Diet puppy food for her and she makes the cutest little poopies haha Like little tootsie rolls. Ok, now that no one will ever eat THOSE again. Now I am naming her Nina. She has been Pico, Pebbles, Charlotte, Piczka, and Bitsy so far today but I think I will stay with Nina. I would put a pic on here but don't know how.
My min pin male thinks he is the mommy, as long as she doesn't go near the toys he never plays with. I am going to crate her because I'm afraid Spike will smoosh her. He is a moose at 11 pounds compared to her. She is 6 weeks old and if she weighs a pound I'd be surprised.
Kat, she is so tiny!! How often should I feed her? I bought Science Diet puppy food for her and she makes the cutest little poopies haha Like little tootsie rolls. Ok, now that no one will ever eat THOSE again. Now I am naming her Nina. She has been Pico, Pebbles, Charlotte, Piczka, and Bitsy so far today but I think I will stay with Nina. I would put a pic on here but don't know how.
My min pin male thinks he is the mommy, as long as she doesn't go near the toys he never plays with. I am going to crate her because I'm afraid Spike will smoosh her. He is a moose at 11 pounds compared to her. She is 6 weeks old and if she weighs a pound I'd be surprised.