Checking In

Hey guys How is everyone tonite?I'm doing OK I keep waiting for the leg pain and stuff to start but that will happen at midnite.I want to thank you ALL for the emails.It feels real good to know I've made some friends here.Rae73 your baby is so cute she almost makes me want I'm done with my babies.I got alittle head ache but that could just be Walter hanging around(private sort of joke).So I'll be on for a couple,I'm not all excited to clear up the dinner mess......mj
LMAO@Walter........ok you made me smile, thanks!
You hang in, it won't be long or too bad tonight, you may even find you sleep it don't obsess to much....
Hey MJ,
So do you want another child?LOL I'll give you one. Take your pick, I have 3..I am glad to hear you are doing okay tonite,I have been worried about ya. Glad to see you got my e-mail so I won't talk long, I am walking out the day. Will be back later.. Love ya, Rae
Man I can't spell. Did you see that, I said I am walking out the day,no I meant door. Anyway, you and Walter,LOL Flo is coming to my house in the next day or 2. C-ya bye
Rae your always on the go they don't call you bunny for nothing.Oh my gosh what a great mood I'm in Whats Up with THAT!!!! Tina my daughter & I share a stuffed rabbit I may have mentioned it before?Boo Boo her name is.And I already desided if it starts gettin to me I'm grabbing boo boo and hitting the couch!!!!!mj