Chris, I Am Here Waiting, Lol

YA KNOW WHAT GUYS,???? IF I KICKED HER IN THE HEAD, IT WOULD HURT... I would do it hard and she would cry. Im just kidding but you made me laugh out loud when i herd that you laughed. I needed that.

VENTING, what a wonderful invention.
Chirs, holly crap, no i am not sorry at all, but may i ask why he ened his life in your living room? and why didnt you take your stuff out of the house?, did u find him??omg sweetie how sad! write back.
chris, hope u r still there

So sorry you have some bad times but it makes you a stronger person. You're handling things probably way better than I would. This addiction thing is so powerful but there no doubt in my mind you can kick its a$$.

Good luck
Dont worry, im still here, i had to go to the bathroom and when you gotta go you gotta go. and when you get the w/d you gotta go even faster.
So what were the questions again i cant remmember.
I feel so good now that i have vented.. THANKS EVERYONE. ther is much more story to tell if anyon wants to here it. I should write a flippin book.

why did he end his life, if you dont mind me asking??
That my dear friend only the devil and god will ever know. He left a note saying that he wanted me and my son to die with him but we ran out of the house before he could do anything about that. I went to the neighbors hous.(he was a good neighbor back then.)

The police questioned me for a while and tried to say that i did it to him but the neighbor and i were togeather when i herd the shot. Thank god that i had gotten angry enough at him to grab my son and go across the srteet to call the police when he started fighting with me.

I couldnt take any of our things from the house because it was all labled bio-hazard. I went into the house 2 days later because my son wouldnt sleep w/o his favorite blanket and i refused to let the police takle that from him, so i broke into the back window. I wish now that i didnt because of the horrible sites that you see after something like that happens.

No, i did not see it happen but i did find him. I even thought it was bad enough to pull my neighbor into the house with me , but you only get so far into something like that before you ask god to put angels on your sholder and take the bad immiges away.
OMG, my best frinds brother killed himself because he was comming off of meth and was seeing things and after he called my friend a said he was scared the police were comming , he thought that there were dead bodies every where and went into his closet in his room and shot himself in the head, she was tramtized!! and at age 15 my grand father shot himself in the shower in the head after he found out his cancer was every where, so i know what a horrible sight that can be, i saw her brother, OMG i still have nightmears dont u? look if u ever wanna talk on the phone we can let me know, ok..

so he tried to kill all of you, holly crap did he just snap? and after my friend lost her brother to sucide she got to go in there and get his stuff out, just not that room, wow thats weird.. much luv jazzy..
Im not sure who is who anymore . I keep seing the monkey thing and think that it is jasmin but now i think you said jazzy???
I love you all but who am i talking too?????

Christina (friend)
fellow addict= jasmine or jazzy, ok
r-u the , if so we need to post a new thread, let me know?
Oh, i understand know and im sorry. I have found you once again. Did you get my message on the new post??? Ya know what, if you didnt, dont!!!! I keep lossing you and i actually feel soooo much better. i havent felt thisgood in days.
And im going on my longest hour without having a pill. 7 1/2. That dosnt seem like alot to some people but it is to me.

Sounds like your neighbor and fellow addict could probably use some help. I know when I was at my bottom using drugs a couple months ago I would have done just about anything to get pills - lie, steal, cheat. It didn't matter to me. I was totally consumed and obsessed over getting pills, and if I saw pills on your kitchen counter I know I would have taken some. Towards the end of my addiction I was poking thru friend's and family's medicine cabinets whenever I could. Consequences meant nothing to me at the time, sad to say.

Chris, I don't know the whole story, but I do believe that the people in our lives are here for a reason. Maybe your desperate neighbor needs some compassion and a helping hand right now. And maybe she's just not ready right now. I know you're pissed at her, but honestly a couple of months ago I would have grabbed those pills without a second thought. Active addiction brings out the worst in people, but recovery can bring out the best. Think about it. These drugs can make good, decent people do really bad things.

Well, I've said enough. Good luck with your taper schedule! I'm rooting for you - you can do it!

Jim, thanks for the kind words. Your kind of bringing me back to reality. I was having fun being mad at something or someone other than me and the dam pills.
But , i have to come back to reality. And in my mind reality would have been to spack me in the face if my friends had ever caught me taking some of their stuff.
I know your right, because the thought has problobly crossed my mind in the past too. But i told her, even cryed to her about how bad i needed to get off these. And all she did was look me in the eye and lie. She told me she was proud of me. She said she would help and be a shoulder to cry on. I know i should be thinking differant right now but can you blam me if i just want to be mad for alittle while.

u r back, did u read my post about what happened 2-me, OMG, life sucks!
maybe we can talk on the phone some time, let me know, ok, i will be waiting and checking the board..
Whaty happened to you??? Im gonna look on the new post.

about the losses i have had, man it sucks!!
God Christina, that is a horrible can ANYONE deal with are so brave.
Dear Christina, they say what doesn't kill you just makes you stronger. Reading your life story, I'd say you're one tough cookie by now. Your neighbor will never admit stealing your pills. It wouldnt matter if you did tell her husband. In the end it would be turned back on you. They would make it appear that you're the one lying. I'd put it behind me. You can't worry about her. It's all about you right now. Your recovery, your new life, your freedom. You finally have the things in life you deserve. Don't let one dishonest person effect your serenity. It's nice to hear you have good things in your life after so much adversity. Congradulations on so many things, your new life, your desire to get clean, your newfound hope for the future. Please seek help with your disease. It will help you to not fail and have to start over. I know I've said it so many times, forgive me for saying it once more, go to a meeting, get numbers, find a sponser, learn about the twelve steps. These tools will help you achieve your goal and get the life you deserve. We can't do this alone. We need help. Good luck and much love, Kat