Christina/cell Phone Help"

Girl, how many minutes did they say you had? Is it a pre-paid phone? How have you been? Tell me. Rae
YES, ITS A PRE-PAID PHONE AND THEY NEVER REALY TOLD ME HOW MANY MIN. THAT I HAD.....but by the time i had paid for everything it cost me about 200.00 and i only had about 10$ left to get a min. card for it.!! So whatever the 10$ card gave me is what i had and now its all gone!!!

How do you get a min. card added to the phone and get away without haveing to pay for it??? LOL (like that would ever happen)
I realy didnt talk that much on the phone yesterday, i just called family members to tell them my new # and woke up this AM and tryed to use it and there was noo more min. left!

Yeah I did that once. My daughter has one. I have a nextel.. What I do with my daughter's phone is just call the company and add minutes by debt card. I put 20 dollars on it every once in a while. I make her use the home phone or my cell. Her phone is just for an emergency or to tell me something for a minute or 2. They are real expensive. During the day it is usually like 25 cents a minute, which doesn't go far. After 9pm it's usually like 10 cents a minute. Call them and ask them what's up with your plan.. When I had a pre-paid phone year ago they screwed me to. Sorry to hear but you can go to the mall or the company and buy a calling card to add minutes or just call the 800 # and do it over the phone with debt or credit card. Ask them what your plan is.. How are you?
Im doing about as good as anyone!!!
Im startiing to think that all men are jerks and that i should just call off haveing one...or use them, the way they use me!!!
As for Brian, well, he thinks that he can use me for sex!! Truth be told....i have better orgasms now than i did when i was with him!!!!LOL!!

I thought i could live with his , how do you say it, insecurities in bed, but now i realize that i was letting go of the best part of me....the orgasms!!!LOL
My sex life has deffinetly had a boost!!!!hahahaha

Well glad to hear about the orgasms,LOL at least someone is having them...
Hey one more thing about the pre-paid phone. When someone calls you and you don't realy need to answer it don't. Let them leave a message. Then if you know your pin # just use another phone, call you cell phone and enter your pin. This way you are checking your voice message from another phone and it's not taking away from your minutes. If you check your messages from your cell phone they are probably charging you minutes,,, Just a thought to keep in mind.
Ps. Also if someone calls just let it ring and call them back from another phone if that's an option and you will save mintues that way to. Those pre-paid has to be for emergency's ONLY. They rob you.... Well I am going to take Alex to school be back at 9:30--- C-ya Rae