Clean Time

I just wanted to celebrate everyone's clean time!!!! And hopefully inspire the forum lurkers struggling with addiction.

Whether you're celebrating many years or one hour, please share!!!!

DOC - 5-6 vicodin/day for many years
QUIT - Dec 20th, 2010

112 days clean!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I never thought there was life after opiates.

MOOD TODAY - FANTASTIC! I feel better than I have in YEARS.

DOC- Loritab/Hydrocodone/Meth/Weed/Whatever I could get my hands on/Valium/Xanax etc.
Quit date: 07/13/2004
I've been drug free for: 2462 Days 13 Hours 5 Minutes
6 years 8 months.
One day at a time :)
Mood today eh I've seen better, but I have definately seen worse.
DOC- Anything "codone"

Clean date April 28, 2003 (I think. I can't remember the year, I just always remember the day)

Attitude today? Not awake yet, after coffee, I'll let you know.
ur post gave me the push needed to join this forum so thank you for that. and who knew it could be so easy as the stroke of a few keys?! actually i didnt want to just "lurke" any longer decided it was high time to be active converse with people who understood me instead of people who keep trying to get me back on pain meds "cause im more fun that way"
DOC narco 10mg 3-4 a day for 3 1/2 years
clean now for 44 days
fired from my job prof license suspended for who knows how long
no income
but my daughter still loves me("unconditionally mom, unconditionally")
and and headed into day 45 !!
thanx again!
Jane and cowgirl - love you. Thank you for reminding me it's possible!!!!! Your stories are so touching, and your presence on this board means a lot to me.

Sail away- 44 days !!!! That is awesome. When I read stories of people with clean time, I get so emotional (in a good way!!!) and excited .... Because I've been where you are...and I know what you're going through....and I'm currently going strong...and I can say with all my heart... Getting clean and giving sobriety a chance (longer than 30-60 days) so worth it. I definitely felt better at 44 days, but let me tell gets BETTER.

Cravings were intermittently bad...around my 1 month mark. Don't give in. It's just your brain playing tricks on you.

I also had no income around 44 days....and actually ended up getting a great job making nice money. I couldn't have acquired this job if I wasn't clean and motivated to do something!!!!

Keep in touch, Sail. Stay strong.

thanxs again....
and i will do as u strong and stay in touch :)
u too!