Cocaine Effects?

hello everyone. I was wondering if someone who is either recovering or knows someone recovering could help me out with a question. I have been seeing someone who told me he was recovering from a cocaine addiction. Does cocaine use affect your sexual abilities? I want to believe that it was something else that contributed to his inability, but I've heard before that if you use cocaine you have a hard time performing sexually. I didn't want to accuse him or bring it up because I'm not an expert on the topic so I thought I'd come here where people know a lot more than me. Thank you.
For me, cocaine use and sex went hand in hand. I did not experience problems performing sexually while using. On the contrary, the use of cocaine seemed to enhance my sexual performance, and it certainly enhanced the sex drive. I have heard many people, on the other hand, say that while it enhanced their drive, it also inhibited their ability to obtain and/or maintain an erection. For this addict, cocaine was very much a "sexual" drug and I often made sure that if I were using, it was with prospective partners. This is just my experience.
Hi Guest. I don't envy you. Long story short - yes cocaine definately has residual side effects on a man's ability to get it up and keep it up. I know this first hand from 2 different men. Crack or cocaine use is a sexual thing for men. You'll often find them picking up porn magazines or putting a porn tape in the vcr while they're using. So when they're in recovery, they haven't got that extra kick to get them hard and it's so much more difficult for them to even want sex when they're clean. Maybe your boyfriend will be different, I hope so for your sake.