
concerning all acts of initiative and creation, there is one elementary truth - that the moment one definitely commits oneself , the Providence, moves too.

i am one hundred committed to being everything that i am.

dear God -

with Your help and by the power of Your spirit.
i commit myself to love.
i commit myself to move through my fears.
i commit myself to actively walking a spiritual path.
i commit myself to share joy with everyone i meet.
i commit myself to growth through a beyond self-imposed limitations.
i commit myself to living gently on this planet.
i commit myself to peace.
i commit myself to Your people.
i commit myself to You.

so be it!


what have you comitted yourself to, today?


i love your posts, sammy....i learn everytime from you. I am greatful you are here..
Today I committed myself to listening for God...and looking for a sign....
oh, and not taking any vics or beer, and I made it another day.
only by God's grace...