
ok someone i know says hes addicted to vicodin and he always says taking
them makes him itch and hes always tired and he gets really moody.. um i
really dont think this is from vicodin. someone told me hes probably taking
meth are those the signs? i never see him eat.. hes always tired and he always
has little stratches on him.. help me!
I so wish I had answers for you and I could probably toss this back and forth, and say it's this or that but ultimately you'll only find the answer if you directly ask your friend and be openly prepared for the outcome.
vicodin is an opiod, thus scratching with high doses is common. i have used for many years and when i'm high i tend not to eat and scratch like crazy. there are other pills that will cause you to itch. heroin will also cause this.
Definitely ARE signs of Vicodin use. I was itching like crazy, scratches all over my legs and I got really mood every time towards the end. At the beginning it's not like this but after a while I felt this way every time I took it. People said I was really bitchy and I have the legs to prove the itch part.. they still have not healed.
Sorry for the typo it's early here.. I meant Moody not Mood.
Wow that's wild, I have taken vicodin and didn't have any itching?/? Does this happen at high doses?
Hi Sassy,

That's my dogs name so I love it:-) Yes I was taking high doses.. anywhere from 15-30/day depending on lots of factors. I always had itching though even at 10 pills.. people I took them with had the same reaction..
vicodin makes people itch.I itched at first but that unfortunately didn't keep me from taking hand fulls at a time.geesh,I wish that would of happened.
i hope your friend stops taking them.

Itching and pruritis are common side effects of opioids; however, not all people have them. Sweating is also common. As far as his mood, "abnormal thinking, abnormal gait (not being able to walk in a steady line), abnormal dreams, and, in some people, paranoid reactions occur.

I can also attest to the fact that the pain medication I use for my chronic pain disorder does NOT make me hungry. I remember, when I abused Vicodin and Demerol, I would itch - especially in the facial and arm area, and my appetite was non-existent. I'm also inclined to concur with Savannah, and ask your friend, but be prepared. You may think that, perhaps, he is only taking a two every day, but some people, when tolerance develops (increasing the dosage to maintain the effect of the medication), can take several times that amount. Usually, with Vicodin, there is a cut-off point because each Vicodin has 500mg of acetaminophen [Vicodin ES - 750mg].

Either way, if your friend is abusing and has told you, more than likely, that is a sign that he wants some help. It may sound like "bragging," but, many times. this is to let the other person know that s/he is taking a medication and wants some help. I hope your friend does well - s/he has a wonderful friend, in you, in return.
