Hey Alice,
I'm not sure of the exact date, but I know your one year anniversary is coming up in the near future. I just wanted to say congratulations and reiterate what an inspiration you are. Just think how much better things are now than they were last year. This time next year, I will have well over a year clean and will be amazed at how wonderful my life is (I actually already am). I know I've been a horrible communicator but I'm trying to stay busy (just got a new job!!!! Yay!!!!!) Anyway, I'm going away in a couple of days for about a week and didn't want to miss the date.
Take care and stay strong,
Thank you Michelle. I am so glad you are doing better. I hope you like your new job. Enjoy your time away and keep posting. You have alot of good experience to help others.
Are the leaves changing yet? I can imagine how beautiful it must be in your area. How is the doggie?
Are the leaves changing yet? I can imagine how beautiful it must be in your area. How is the doggie?
So, Alice, are you going to give up the date?
October 4th - my 23rd wedding anniversary
Hey Alice,
The doggie is doing good. She's spoiled rotten. And leaves are starting to change (they actually started early this year). We had a very cool summer with an abundant amount of rain so the foliage should be gorgeous this year. You should take a ride down the Skyline Drive or Blue Ridge Parkway around the 2nd week of October. It's going to be a site.
I was at my cousin's cabin in Sugar Grove, WV last weekend (same place I'm going this weekend) and the foliage was quite a bit ahead of here. Can't wait to see it again. Plus there is no phone service, tv or internet there so all we can do is relax and enjoy each other's company. Going to be a girls weekend this weekend. Five of us, so it should be fun.
I think I will remember your anniversary. My birthday is the 5th so we all have a reason to celebrate.
The doggie is doing good. She's spoiled rotten. And leaves are starting to change (they actually started early this year). We had a very cool summer with an abundant amount of rain so the foliage should be gorgeous this year. You should take a ride down the Skyline Drive or Blue Ridge Parkway around the 2nd week of October. It's going to be a site.
I was at my cousin's cabin in Sugar Grove, WV last weekend (same place I'm going this weekend) and the foliage was quite a bit ahead of here. Can't wait to see it again. Plus there is no phone service, tv or internet there so all we can do is relax and enjoy each other's company. Going to be a girls weekend this weekend. Five of us, so it should be fun.
I think I will remember your anniversary. My birthday is the 5th so we all have a reason to celebrate.
Hi Alice, I just popped in real quick and saw this and had to post. Happy 1 year! I am so happy for you! You are such a great person and deserve great things, you have done amazing, congrats my friend! All the best,Angela
Not a year yet but I'm being held accountable. That's a good thing. Don't think I haven't thought about it......daily. It's a fleeting thought, nothing that I dwell on, but that's where my mind goes.
Thanks Angela. Now where are you and when are you gonna tell us how you are doing? I'm sure I'm not the only one here that cares about you. What's the story glory?
Thanks Angela. Now where are you and when are you gonna tell us how you are doing? I'm sure I'm not the only one here that cares about you. What's the story glory?