
How are you doing?
I'm guessing out fishing. I hope thats all. Im sure all is well.

thinking of you,
Hi Tim, Hi Foggy. Im doing ok thanks so much for asking.

Ive been taking a bit of quiet time and maybe a bit of soul searching and preparing my mind and soul for my new life.

Oh and yes foggy I been fishing lol.

Its going into winter here and it gets really gloomy here during winter. Its always cloudy and rainy and I seem to get pretty down when its like that. Im just trying to mentally prepare myself for that also. Will actually be the first winter here without being numb from pills.

Ive got 81 days today since my last pain pills. Boy time flies by. I remember like it was yesterday that I was praying to die cause I felt so sick. Really glad that crap is over lol.

Oh foggy congratulations on your 100 days. And now it would be more than 100 obviously.

Anyways I better head out.
Hope you are all well and safe and nice and clean:)

God Bless....
Thanks for checking in and congratualtions on your 81 days.Enjoy the summer my friend!
Thank you Tim but we are going into winter here not summer lol. But will try to enjoy the winter anyways.

Hope all is well with you. Oh and Im jealous cause you are into the warm weather now. Enjoy.

God Bless...