Hi cord welcome to the board and congratulations on 74 days sober! Looking forward to you sharing your recovery journey with us . It is usually not much activity on here on anymore since facebook came along but there are a few of us that keep showing up so hope you will be a regular.
Thanks pirate for the welcome. I am a newbie, but by no means new to the program. I could fill the Grand Canyon with welcome chips. It had never occurred to me to check out a message board before on recovery, but yesterday I didn't hesitate to join once I did. My story is no different from many, but maybe a bit longer....hardcore drunk with heroic amounts of coke thrown in over the years....jails, hospitals, etc. This time around I ended up in a detox and rehab facility for 14 days. I have resigned myself to what's commonly referred to as "contrary action". By nature, it is exceedingly hard to reach out, so I am forcing myself to behave differently no matter the discomfort. I think I'll be around checking in frequently, thanks!