One of my good friends is addicted to crack cocaine for about 3 years. I really see alot of potential in him but, at the same time, I can see in the past months that it is really affecting him mentally. I've tried to bring him to free clinics and just be their for him but, it is really out of my control. His mom even knows that he has an addiction but nobody knows what to do. Does anyone have any suggestions?
Hey Jimmy, I can say I relate to your feeling of helplessness. My little sister is addicted to crack cocaine, and has just completed detox for the second time. I feel like, I want to offer her all the help I can find for her, but then another side knows that I can only put it out there for her. Only she can TRULY want the help. Only she can decide if she will relapse, or if she will put in one more day being sober. You have to take little baby steps, one day at at time. According to my sister, group therapy is a good outlet, because there are always people there who can relate to you and won't judge you for what you have done.
My sister is on a long journey, and I have to accept that she may relapse again at some point, because the addiction to crack cocaine is so, so strong!! It will control every thought she thinks and make her lie, steal, and manipulate loved ones into believing she wants help. VERY decieptful! But hold on to the thoughts of the person who is underneath the addiction, and get help for yourself also. If you don't have an outlet for your own feelings and emotions, it will consume you too!! KNOWLEDGE IS POWER, the more you know, and the more you learn about the drug itself, and triggers for the addict, and warning signs, the more power you'll have! Good luck with your friend. IT will be a long road, but it would definitley be worth it in the end, if he can get through it. You will feel better about it too, if you have done everything in your power to help!
My sister is on a long journey, and I have to accept that she may relapse again at some point, because the addiction to crack cocaine is so, so strong!! It will control every thought she thinks and make her lie, steal, and manipulate loved ones into believing she wants help. VERY decieptful! But hold on to the thoughts of the person who is underneath the addiction, and get help for yourself also. If you don't have an outlet for your own feelings and emotions, it will consume you too!! KNOWLEDGE IS POWER, the more you know, and the more you learn about the drug itself, and triggers for the addict, and warning signs, the more power you'll have! Good luck with your friend. IT will be a long road, but it would definitley be worth it in the end, if he can get through it. You will feel better about it too, if you have done everything in your power to help!
please check out following web pg.
Mr Gellner has helped hundreds of drug, gambling, alcohol addicts all around the world. He can remove every addiction from your love once
over the distance. Most important part of it ,is, The addicts can not know about this treatment, they have to have the feelikng they achived it on they own. Probably you won't trust to this as I didn't, I came back to this web pg many times, and trust me I tried everything possible, cost me a lot of money, befor I decided to ask him for his help. It took 6 month for me to see first resultes, and now I'm enjoing full health without any addiction. That was the time I decided I'm going to help to other people get better.
please check out following web pg.
Mr Gellner has helped hundreds of drug, gambling, alcohol addicts all around the world. He can remove every addiction from your love once
over the distance. Most important part of it ,is, The addicts can not know about this treatment, they have to have the feelikng they achived it on they own. Probably you won't trust to this as I didn't, I came back to this web pg many times, and trust me I tried everything possible, cost me a lot of money, befor I decided to ask him for his help. It took 6 month for me to see first resultes, and now I'm enjoing full health without any addiction. That was the time I decided I'm going to help to other people get better.
I had asked on a previous post for people who had had dealings with crack addicts to PLEASE tell me the signs and symptoms. So far I have only gotten a couple of replies. I am very anxious to know this and would appreciate any replies regarding this. THANKS.
dont really know too much been with my boyfriend for two years have only just found out that he is taking coke. he is nearly 40 and says hea has been taking it since he was around 18, the mad thing is he knew when i met him that id just come out of a 7 year relationship with a user that kept telling me hed given up but never had and knew how much it upset me. i first thought my current boyfriend was using cos he always has a runny nose litterally dripping also always getting nosebleeds .but he always denied. one evening when i was washing his jeans a rolled up bit of card fell out with traces of powder, that confirmed it. he still denied at first.also he seems very edgy and sweaty
First of all,does your friend have a desire to stop?
if he doesnt have a desire to stop then what can you do?
there are many ways of dealing with addiction but the first thing in dealing with it is for your friend to "want to stop". maybe you can suggest going with him to an NA meeting??
if things get out of hand and he starts to steal,or he puts himself in danger more and more often, then maybe you can consider a "baker act". onnly a parent can do that,or a legal guardian.baker act is a way of forcing a person to enter a treatment program ....the down fall of that is, that if the persopn doesnt want to enter they can end up in jail.and if the person doenst finish the program they can end up in jail also. jail isnt the place to be, so i would really rather you talk to your friend and find out first what he's willing to do to get better. someitmes we have to let people fall so that they can want to pick themselves sure that if he reaches his bottom, he himself will want to enter a rehab center.i am an x cocaine user,as well.i know that until i had enough pain, it wasnt time to stop.
if he doesnt have a desire to stop then what can you do?
there are many ways of dealing with addiction but the first thing in dealing with it is for your friend to "want to stop". maybe you can suggest going with him to an NA meeting??
if things get out of hand and he starts to steal,or he puts himself in danger more and more often, then maybe you can consider a "baker act". onnly a parent can do that,or a legal guardian.baker act is a way of forcing a person to enter a treatment program ....the down fall of that is, that if the persopn doesnt want to enter they can end up in jail.and if the person doenst finish the program they can end up in jail also. jail isnt the place to be, so i would really rather you talk to your friend and find out first what he's willing to do to get better. someitmes we have to let people fall so that they can want to pick themselves sure that if he reaches his bottom, he himself will want to enter a rehab center.i am an x cocaine user,as well.i know that until i had enough pain, it wasnt time to stop.