i tryed to commit suicide when i was 14 bc i knew my dad was "doin drugs" and i was stupid. now i realize that he's only happy when he's high. i have to try to read him as soon as he walks in the door so i know wather to run out or stay, i'm 22 yrs old and should be used to it but i;m not. if hes in a horrible mood he will find things to make me do or feel shi--y or stressed about. i want to get out but i dont have enough money. i'm bipolar as it is and he makes me crazy/ what should i do?
s*** man, that f***ing sucks, try getting help from a friend or someone...
I really feel for you and as a psychiatric survivor myself I know you don't need all that stress. Do you see a psychiatrist. I f so you should really confide in hiim or her what you are going through. Your situation is to stressful for anyone never mind those like us with mood disorders
Dear spinning
My husband is a marijuania addict and his situation is the same, only happy when he's high. We have a 9 year old son that has seen alot of physical and mental abuse from his father towards me and I know that he is scared sometimes. My husband has never been violent towards my son, but thier sure has been alot of yelling. I now find my son tiptoeing around my husband, when he's in a mood. This drives me crazy because I know how much I hate doing it and know here's my son doing the same thing. Tiptoeing makes me feel weak, controled and stupid. How is this making my son feel? How did you feel when you were 9? Did your situation at home get progressively worse In order to bring you to try suicide at 14. Here's a better look at our situation, you see when daddy is high then he is super dad, super husband,super man all around but heaven forbid he run out of hoots and he turns into a monster, his mood starts off quiet, distraught almost depressed like then he does stupid little things or makes ignorant comments to try to piss me off. I used to fight with him but the fights would get worse and sometimes I would end up with a slap to the face, or choke hold, or pushed down, usually resulting in a bruise or nose bleed. I am very ashamed to say that the children have seen some of these occurances, so for the last few months now I have just become very submissive towards him and " TIPTOE " around. This practice has stopped the physical part of the fighting but alot of ugly words are still being said. My son used to cry to me sometimes and asks me to stop whatever it is that I am doing to make daddy so mad, he also begs me not to leave daddy, because the two of us have split a few times in the past. My son and I talk alot about how each other is feeling and I told him that his daddy is addicted to marijuana and that when he dosen't have it that makes him do the mean things and the screaming and cursing. My son says that he will never do drugs because he never wants to be that way. Was that wrong for me to say to him? I am out of ideas. My son is a very kind, outgoing, sensitive kid. He seems to be okay, is he putting up a front? Is thier any signs in his behaviour that I could be on the look out for if he is in trouble emotionally or any other way. My kids are my life and I tell them that all the time. I know that my son loves me and his daddy both very much, but he does have a special place for me in his heart, he told me so.
My husband is a marijuania addict and his situation is the same, only happy when he's high. We have a 9 year old son that has seen alot of physical and mental abuse from his father towards me and I know that he is scared sometimes. My husband has never been violent towards my son, but thier sure has been alot of yelling. I now find my son tiptoeing around my husband, when he's in a mood. This drives me crazy because I know how much I hate doing it and know here's my son doing the same thing. Tiptoeing makes me feel weak, controled and stupid. How is this making my son feel? How did you feel when you were 9? Did your situation at home get progressively worse In order to bring you to try suicide at 14. Here's a better look at our situation, you see when daddy is high then he is super dad, super husband,super man all around but heaven forbid he run out of hoots and he turns into a monster, his mood starts off quiet, distraught almost depressed like then he does stupid little things or makes ignorant comments to try to piss me off. I used to fight with him but the fights would get worse and sometimes I would end up with a slap to the face, or choke hold, or pushed down, usually resulting in a bruise or nose bleed. I am very ashamed to say that the children have seen some of these occurances, so for the last few months now I have just become very submissive towards him and " TIPTOE " around. This practice has stopped the physical part of the fighting but alot of ugly words are still being said. My son used to cry to me sometimes and asks me to stop whatever it is that I am doing to make daddy so mad, he also begs me not to leave daddy, because the two of us have split a few times in the past. My son and I talk alot about how each other is feeling and I told him that his daddy is addicted to marijuana and that when he dosen't have it that makes him do the mean things and the screaming and cursing. My son says that he will never do drugs because he never wants to be that way. Was that wrong for me to say to him? I am out of ideas. My son is a very kind, outgoing, sensitive kid. He seems to be okay, is he putting up a front? Is thier any signs in his behaviour that I could be on the look out for if he is in trouble emotionally or any other way. My kids are my life and I tell them that all the time. I know that my son loves me and his daddy both very much, but he does have a special place for me in his heart, he told me so.