Anyone know what withdraw is like and how long it lasts from darvocet? I have been taking it for about 2 months, and about 7 a day.
Silent Partner are you still around? If so can you please advise.
Thank you
30 views and no that a record ?
i would imagine that it would be like withdrawing from any of those meds in the pain pill family, vicodin for me was awful, i have learned that taking pain pills for a truly legitimate pain issue has to be very short term a week or less, no more and soon after switch to a non narcotic pain relief medication.
it catches up so fast, tolerance and getting addicted.
i would imagine that it would be like withdrawing from any of those meds in the pain pill family, vicodin for me was awful, i have learned that taking pain pills for a truly legitimate pain issue has to be very short term a week or less, no more and soon after switch to a non narcotic pain relief medication.
it catches up so fast, tolerance and getting addicted.
Hey Angela, Were you taking the darvocett while you were on Sub? I thought you were clean.
I dont' know anything about darvocet addiction at all, but you know the drill.
This place has been very, very slow lately, don't take it personal, Sweetie!
Hello ladies, no I am not mixing sub with darvocet. I stopped sub in Feb. of this year. Taking the darvocet for an issue with my cervix and overies. It makes me tired and gives me cotton mouth so I am going to switch to napperson. Just wandering if I will be sick? It doesn't look that way so far? Have a nice day/
Dang Angela, I am nuts. I read your post and thought you had said you'd been on Darvocet for 2 YEARS. I am foggy today, please excuse my remark. I was wondering how you had managed to mix the two. Duh. LOL
Anyway, I seriously don't ever remember seeing anyone on here with a darvocet addiction. Surely they have been here, but with my memory, can't pull it up. Good luck with it, hope it's as you say, and not bad.
Hi Angela,
I never liked Darvocet. I tried it a couple of times but just didn't like the feeling. So I have no personal advise to offer. I do know a girl who took them quite a bit and she didn't seem to have any signifigant wd symptoms and she didn't complain at all. Of course that's just one person, there could be others to come on and tell you something entirely different.
Good luck.
I never liked Darvocet. I tried it a couple of times but just didn't like the feeling. So I have no personal advise to offer. I do know a girl who took them quite a bit and she didn't seem to have any signifigant wd symptoms and she didn't complain at all. Of course that's just one person, there could be others to come on and tell you something entirely different.
Good luck.
At one point in my addiction career..I took Darvocets for about 9 months. Probably 10 or more a day. They were all I could get at the time and I hated them..didn't like the buzz but it was better than nothing, right? <Very wrong> Anyway..the withdrawals were no different than any other pain med I took. Not better, not worse. Still sucked. You probably will experience some withdrawals..hopefully not enough to cause you to slip. Keep talking Ang.
why would you take darvocet after being on sub to get off opiates? not attacking just wondering what dr would allow this if they knew you had opiate problems. darvocet is pretty useless in most cases for pain very old school. taking darvocet really can lead back to a opiate problem waking up the beast. not trying to stir it up just really wanting to know why dr allowed this. darvocet has some properties related to methadone as i have seen silent partner post.
Take Care
Take Care
the kind of dr. that writes scripts ....
What would make you say it is old school and that it has no or little effect on pain symptoms?
What would make you say it is old school and that it has no or little effect on pain symptoms?
first off i am simply asking a question and if you choose to be hostile that is your thing. i am simply concerned as a fellow addict that a dr who knows you have a opiate problem gives you a opiate pill. bottom line. naproxen and motrin, those types of pain meds otc are great for female problems, i have had plenty including a hysterctomy. my abusing had very little to do with pain and alot to do with being a addictive personality. look angela if you want to take darvocet go ahead, but after going the sub route i dont understand why you would put your recovery in danger or not have someone to help you be accountable for the pills. taking 7 pills a day of anything is alot for 2 months, i didnt get to that point until over a year. but that is just me. this is not a judgement or a attack and i hope you see it for what it is, concern for a fellow board member.
Take care
Take care
carol, I in no way feel attacked ?
I just simply asked you why you thought darvocet doesn't work for pain and is "old school?"
I just simply asked you why you thought darvocet doesn't work for pain and is "old school?"
angela in my case when i was scripted darvocet it really didn't do too much, actually the dr said it was as good as a strong aspirin that came out of his mouth. this was way before i abused pills. i can only speak for myself and darvocet just imho not a effective pain reliever especially with female problems. i did get good results with naprosyn and nsaids types of medications. i totally relate to the type of pain you are going thru as i suffered many years with various cervical and ovary problems.
take care
take care
carol, I have a script for naperson also. I started this thread cause I wasn't sure if I would experience wd from the darvocet. I feel it does numb my pain so to speak, but only lasts for about 3 hours. Also I don't feel any wd thus far from it. I was worried about wd cause I have read on this site that some times it is given in rehab to wd from pp's? In my opinion, I think it would better then methodone. When I went to rehab in 2006 I was given Meth for 6 days and let me tell ya, on day 7 without the meth I felt like sh*t. It was like starting from day 1 again. I don't really get that? Anywho thanks for posting
Angela...........This may be a little graphic but it is reliable information.It's from Drink lots of water starting now.When you wake up in the morning you will need to take a big s***,that's also if you don't take anymore too.Don't take any Immodium either.
You want to get this stuff out.Drink Gatorade too.It has electrolytes in it.
Good luck Ang..........get that s*** out of to speak.LOL
You want to get this stuff out.Drink Gatorade too.It has electrolytes in it.
Good luck Ang..........get that s*** out of to speak.LOL
tim, very interesting..... I look forward to tomorrow morning !! LOL