. . .how many times will I put myself through this hell? why do I keep setting myself up? I just don't get it. By now there couldn't be a dr. out there that will prescribe me any narcotics. Now I am going to tell you why . . .for the first time ever, I was told in Oct. that the Dr. I had been seeing since my original Dr. "retired" no longer wanted to treat me. OKAaaayyyyyyyyyyyyy - ouch. Went another treatment route for the back pain; steroid shot and until that kicked in, more vicodan. Another shot, couple more prescriptions then back to another Dr. because the steroids didn't work for me. a prescription for 3 - 40mg oxys for 2 weeks and referral to pain mgmt. dr. unfortunately can't get in until May . . . really? and the 2 weeks of oxys gone and last doc says sorry, can't write any more narcotic prescriptions. so here I am. sad & depressed. I feel like kicking myself in the A**.
So, lets say you stay clean until May...then what? Cancel the appt. Either that or be honest and tell them you are an addict. There are ways to treat chronic pain without narcotics.
I don't believe I even made the appt. it was so far out. and, honestly, yes, I do have some back pain, but is it unbearable? probably not.
One thing I discovered and alot of other people did too, was that, our pain wasn't as bad as we thought it was when we got clean. I had dibilatating migraines, that was how I got started using. When I got clean, the headaches weren't as bad. I could manage them. Found ways to manage them without narcotics. I'm not saying that your pain isn't real, it just might not be that bad and you'll find other ways to deal with it if you're honest with the docs.