Day 10 Clean...but...

Oh...This has been the hardest thing ever. I still do not feel right...Yes, my nose has FINALLY stopped running...But I am hurting all over and been getting migraines everyday...I did this cold turkey. No methadone...I want to be free of all opiates. Does anyone know when I may return to have a "normal" feeling again? They say 7-10 days...Well...I STILL dont feel normal. Any advice???
Any exercise you can bring yourself to do will get your internal endorphins flowing and return you to a more "normal" state faster. Take a walk around the block every day in the sunshine.

Eat healthy. Cut back on sugar. I just found out that bananas have naturally-occurring serotonin and well as being high in potassium (which will help with the RLS, if you've been experiencing that).

Be patient. Everyone's different so it might take you longer than 10 days to feel better. Have hope. Tomorrow could be the day. Or this afternoon. Or five minutes from now.

Hang in there. Congratulations on 10 days! That's huge.

Congrats on 10 days!!! Saturday will be 11...keep up the good work, but it won't come easy....everyone is different, if there is anyway you can have access to a pool, do so.........get in and float around...whatever....crank up some tunes and sing at top of your lungs....I still remember singing..........."I WILL SURVIVE" after what was that 2 weeks or so......and I was coming off of methadone for chronic pain.......keep up the good work


AKA: krazishyone
It takes time,youre doing wonderful!10 days...i would say you will start feeling better real soon.

For me,i remember feeling like a mack truck hit me for about 3 weeks,then one day,i woke up,got out of bed and i felt diferent,i felt so much better.All the body aches and pains had disappeared,i was able to go to my dr apppointment,i felt normal again.

But to be honest,i babied myself too much.I literally laid on the couch for like 3 weeks.If you can stay active,even just a little,it helps so much.The days go by faster,you dont have as much tiume to think about how bad youre feeling and before you know it,youre feeling 100% better.

Hang in there,you really are doing great and you will see a difference real soon.Take care~KIM
Thank you guys for the advice. I went out for a while and walked around. Still feel like my body is 80 years old. I'm 33. I had my first "drug dream" last night too. I had a baggie full of percocet. It's so strange cause I have not really thought much about percs or oxy during this whole thing and that dream scared me. Are dreams like that normal?

I keep telling myself I will feel normal soon, It's just soooo hard. Keep me thinking positive...You guys are a big help when I'm here online. :)

Tomorrow will be day 11.
Hi NoPulp...
I was like Kim...around day 11 or 12 for me, I just woke up and thought, wow...I feel so much better...the fatigue and sleeplessness last up to around 3 weeks but after I turned the corner, it was so much easier to do as each day I kept feeling better and better...Hang on're almost to that turning the corner point...

Are dreams like that normal?

Yes, that is a normal occurance for most all of the addicts & alkies I've talked to over the last several years...I still have an occasional drinking dream & I have touched alcohol since '97 but when we are asleep, our addiction is working on our subconsious....that's why they refer to addiction as cunning, baffling & powerful...

Congrats on 10 days!! That is huge...
Take care,
Hey Pulp! Good for you...10 whole days is an amazing accomplishment!!I

I hate to scare you...but...the last time I c/t'd took me weeks....literally 6 weeks or more to feel better and even then I was shaky.

I went to every Doctor under the sun...even a naturopath. I was positive that I had destroyed my brain and would never ever be healthy again.

It takes time and everyone is different but one thing I would advise you to do is to go to the may need to take a mild anti D for a short term while your brain is healing. I refused to do this because I wanted to be "drug free"...well I think if I would have I would have had a better fighting chance. There is no need to suffer endlessly.

I would definitely seek out some counseling and / or go to AA/NA meetings. I am sure if I had done these things instead of lying around counting my clean time that I would have gotten better sooner and I wouldn't have relapsed. In those early was forever on my mind. It has been said many times that quitting is the EASY the real work begins!

I had a friend remind me that I went camping at about 10 days into my detox and it was good to be out of my usual stomping grounds so that may help as well.

Giving yourself and your family the gift of sobriety is the best thing you will ever do. But I would try to get busy and exercise even slightly drink plenty of water and eat real food...fruits and veggies. Don't sit around counting the clean days like I was torture! are on your way! Keep posting and telling your is so important for me to hear! You are helping so many....keep on rocking!