Day 10 Sub

Hey all, Starting day 10 sub, getting a late start this morning, if you read my post yesterday, I worked my tail off re-modling my daughters room and cleaned the crap out of my house with my sister and one of her friends,,, without using percs , or drinking.
Of course Iam on sub, which helps with all , but Iam sore as crap, from all the lifting , tugging, carrrying, but it was worth it. Iam sore, But I thought I woke up in someone elses house this morning....
Any way, fixing to eat, and got a few more things to put the finishing touches on the house.

Look there is know way ,I would have been able to hang with them yesterday if I had not been on sub. and had met you guys, this board enabled me to function yesterday....Thank You.

Iam planning to taper to 4mgs, either today or tomorrow, just going to see how my body feels. And going to try and hit a meeting sometime today, and maybe talk with my sponser. It really helps me to have a sponsor that I can dump my stupid" stinking thinking" on , he is always able to help me get back in balance with my higher power...
Thanks all
Dear Tk just wanted to give you the 2 thumbs up 10 days is GREAT.I am thankful every day that I got onto the sub.Just take it slow as far as your body goes try not to rush anything...Take care...mj
Takasha...I am glad you are feeling better each day! You sound like you are doing really well. That is awesome!
Hey all, Thanks mollyjean, and GHF,,, done o.k today, its been raining today and gloomy. So, seems like when its like that it only enhances the little depression I have. Don't know what it is.. but I had some this evening... But , my sister came over to do some touch up on the house.. So, I got busy and it let up. Of course when I took my sub it made it even better... Thank God , for that medicene. Iam always wanting instant gratification, you know I want to be clean and sober and my life be back somewhat like it was before this relapse. Iam in a hurry. But, you guys are right, I got to slow down just a bit and remind myself my body and brain need some time to heal.. Thanks for reminding me...
I been doing a lot of reading on addictive thinking and how it takes time to change that thinking sort of rewiring how we perceive things, our expectaions of ourselves and other people, places, things, and how I overreact to when it does not work out the way I think it should be. I have to remind myself Iam powerless over other people , places , things. I have to accept things just as they are... When It does not work the way I think it should be, then Iam setting my self up to use...... So, Iam working on changing that thinking doing what I can, the sub has allowed me the time to reflect upon all this. Iam grateful to be off the percs, cause they were doing nothing but killing me in all ways, mentally,physcially, emotionally, spiritually, money wise etc. But ,I do look forward to be off sub and have the tools that will help me stay clean and sober one day at a time..
Thanks all

Your doing great, its amazing how moving around and being productive can change our mood, huh?

Best Regards,

For sure Tom it helps, Hope to start some sort of excercise this week when I come home from work. Thats when that neg. thinking and depression trys to slip in..might just start with walking around the block a couple times. I been pinned up in this house for a year now, not doing a dang thing....I use to do some yoga and that always made me feel better...might try a little this week also.
each day goes by, and you have another one down. Its good you are doing different things to keep your mind off pills. You're doing good.
