Although I quit on a Thursday and today is only Wednesday. Whatever day it is I am here and I am smoke free. I missed the early morning meeting, my alarm clock came unplugged. Wich never has happened. So I am taking it as a sign, everything happens for a reason. I do love that group, I am not sure how I will hit a meeting today. Wich sucks. Because my days go better if I do. So maybe lunch?? We will see. Hanging in there now.
I missed my early a.m. meeting because I totally could not get out of bed. No matter how much I love that meeting and I do. Whatever. I am proud that I hit the lunch meeting I am sticken to my plan as many meetings as I can in 90 days. :)
Ok here I go again. If it worked for me once it might work for me again. I have been hitting meetings but always do. I added a meeting that I have chaired this month. Its been good for me. The Experience Strength and Hope meeting. For people with 3 or more years of sobriety. Anyone can go but the people with 3 or more years get called on. It has the most levity and depth of any meetings I go to. I am glad it found me. No smoking today. I chewed a half a piece 2mg gum. I thougth a litle too much about this quit this morning. I can never really trust my quits. Scrolling back to find 14 days... it took a while...I hope this isn't just another string in trying to stop where I just make it 30, 60 or 90 days. s***. I will just do today and not worry about the rest. I saw a lady at that meeting too, we started together at the 630 meeting almost ten years ago. She is still sober too. Just a miracle. I guess we both are. I am grateful even if I didn't stay stopped smoking I didn't pick up a drink or a drug and that I stayed this AA path. Best thing that has ever happened to me. I hope I dont ever forget it.
One more day or maybe even just right now. I am not smoking.
One more day or maybe even just right now. I am not smoking.