Day 3 On Sub Program.....there Is Hope

Hello All,
I have been on subutex for 3 days so far, day two was ruff due to stomach pain and feeling a little too medicated, and day one was a three, well lets say I feel like the old me again!!!!! I also stopped all medicine that I was taking to ween me off properly, the doctor said its great that all i am taking is the sub, he said i surprised him!!!!! I was supposed to be taking Provigil (energy), Wellbutrin(depression),Lorazapam(anxiety),Something for muscle spazms, ambien (in case), donatol (stomach),Clonidine(bloodpressure) you can see my case was pretty bad 38-50 vicodin ES every day for 2-3 years.......alotta money, friends, memories, good days, etccccccc lost due to this stupid chemical we call hydrocodone!!!!!!!!
The good news is there is hope, hope that is confidential and discreet, hope without any craving and a gradual decrease of symptoms. I was a accredited amatuer boxer who won more serious tournamnets than I can name, I was an up and comer pro, but I just got to caught up witht he hustle and bustle of school work and boxing full time and used vicodin to help me through it......I never thought I would be a addict........Well here I am completely out of shape because vicodin took over my life for 2-3 years (although i did succesfully train other fighters), I am completely in terible physical condition and today I felt liek the old me, I had a unusual feeling, a feeling that I havent had for a while, I wanted to go for a run!!!!!! Well I went nd got my old running shoes and ran 2.5 miles, NOT TO SHABBY and I feel great....and have a great confident feeling....I never thought on day three I would be excercising again.....!
If anyone is thinking of going to a Sub doctor.Go....................

good luck to can do it!!!!

Thats amazing, congrats. I know this weekend has me uptight, but I will make it, sounds to me you will to.

good luck

Really happy for you, left hook. Thank you for sharing your hope and inspiration.

What about back up? What do you plan to do when you get off of the Sub? It's not the miracle cure by any means. It will help with behavior modification and give you some time to get your head on straight, but once off of it, you'll be faced with your old way of life. What are you going to do about that? You need tools and skills to help you make this a life time goal. Have you tried a 12 step program? If so, and felt it didn't work, try it again. Do whatever you have to. Make it your focus.

Welcome to the board.

I am confident I will make it !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You can do it too......thanx for the reply wasnt sure if Id get one !!!!!!!!
I am not much for the 12 step or the meetings and stuff, but I am extremely focused....the doc extpects me off in another 12 days the longest, he said I am young...etc.....I have never had any other addiction and I really am focused..........thanx for your concern.....and I will keep all comments in mind!!!!!!!
I do know the sub is keeping me level and I might not feel so great once I come off but I do not see any incentive to going back, I know how hard and terrible it has been......I also see many people just switching from vocodin use to living on sub, and I truley do not want that, I want to be off all drugs and never even take a tylenol again!!!!!!
I really am focused and can do this, I understand what being an addict is and the fact I will always be having a craving, but I can fight this with terriffy experiences come more intelligent decisions...........I have confidence that I can do it.......and I know I will.thanx for your concern and I hope to keep in touch.....
Listen Nasty, I get where you're coming from and I appreciate that you feel so good right now and are focused. But, and it's a big but, you will have to face reality once off of the sub. Life will not have changed. You will still have the same crap to deal with that got you going on this stuff in the first place.

Granted you've only been addicted for 3 years but 3 years is a long time to have an addiction. I've done this dance for 25 years and have quit and relapsed 100's of times. It wasn't until I got serious about a 12 step recovery program that I was able to stay clean for over 9 months now. Stick around and listen to what works for people and I think you'll figure out what doesn't.

You have a lot to offer people here, keep talking.

Take care
I am so happy that Bup is working for you....Congratulations!!!

I am currently taking 15-20 Norco 10's a day after being clean for over a year. I had an emotional upset and relapsed. I hate these drugs!!! But I fear the wd so much!

I am going to be taking Bup in about 2-3 weeks with my end goal being to use it to detox. As I wrote in another post, There are no doctors within driving distance who are qualified to prescribe it. So I am getting it from a online prescription service. I won't go into all the details for time's sake, but I honestly feel this is the ONLY way.

Can you give me advice on how many mg's you started on? How long did you wait to take the Bup. After being off your hydros? I know if you take it too soon you could go into very bad wd's!

Any advice about your expierence would be appreciated.
Good Luck!
I am taking subutex, not suboxone, so there is no element causing severe withdrawal bu t** is still only safe to take it after a minumum of 12 hours. Look up Nabumed and go to that website and the doctor there will give you advice without charging you, he is the leading pioneer in the bup.... fielf, and on eof the nicest people who ive ever met. ...........

As for a 12 step program, and meetings I really do not think I will need them, yes I am on sub now and confident due to that but I dont want to depend on it forever, and I am taking my doctors advice in sayin gI will be able to be off in 10-15 days and I know i will have to change my life alot and have to deal with it , i spoke to my doctor about the programs and he agreed that for each person recovery is different and I am not putting your way down but it is not for me......I do not think I should share my problems with other people other than these boards, thats why these were created to reamin ananymous as well as get the same or similair benefits as the other intervention activities. In my opinion this is a disease and if I had diabetes i would not be going to a program and sharing my own problems with others, instead i will keep myself busy and strong as well as clean.....i certainly have enough to keep busy school, I am partenering up with a boxing promotion company, and taking on alot of new talent, and I will eave enough room for relaxing in a sober get enough refreshing!!! Keep in mind I know diabetes is not addiction but i was just using a analogy, to each his/her own and thats what makes the world go seem almost offended that I do not want to take part in a program, I feel this is efficent if it isnt than i will sought other mean ssuch as you programs keep in mind everyone is different, thank you for your concern and I will keep everyone for online sub... i htink you should really go to a doctor it helps having them around to adequately adapt your dose and add and subtract medicine as seen fit..........lemm ekno how it goes.....holla back

NLH, Good job, hang tough, you can do it.