Day One

Last night I posted about how bad I felt. It was the first day I went to out patient rehab and was administered 8mg sub. I had a restless, but not unmanageable night. I think Callie is right. I should give it a few more days and see how I feel. I feel a lot of pressure in my neck for some reason. I put a heating pad on my neck during the night. I wonder if that is a common reaction? My sinus' feel puffy and I still have a slight headache. Headache's are what started the pp problem in the firstplace. I associate headaches with pp's.

Another topic, but important to me is the fact that my rehab experience is going to be blasted out online to every doctor I've ever gone to or will go to in the future. I didn't really like finding this out yesterday. You see, I am receiving treatment at a large university hospital complex. The record system they are on just pops this information out to anyone who looks up my name, regardless of what type treatment I am seeking. Don't jump on me, my fellow addicts. I am not thinking, "what if I want drugs from any of these doctors?" First, none of these highly respected doctors were or would be my source EVER. I just don't like the fact that every little, nurse, whomever, can see that I received treatment. If I want them to know, I'd rather tell them. What happened to the new privacy act? I didn't complain because my doctor is a no nonsense kinda guy. He didn't see my humor in my statements about group therapy being during rush hour, so I kept my mouth shut. (it's downtown: you drive to group during rush hour, you leave during rush hour too) Yeah, I know.. I should be happy that there IS a group therapy and all that. I am. I am.
What the heck country do you live in? That is totally illegal in the United States.
Right I thought there were HIPPA laws in place for Our protection
Ok, but this is how it happens on this university hospital's computer system. All the doctor's there are on a major network. Up until now I thought it was great. It shows all the doctor's I've seen there, my prognosis, appointments, AND the drugs they prescribed. However, by adding his name and the fact that he is on the staff for the XXX Outpatient Drug Rehab Clinic and by putting what drug he has prescribed for me, it sure spills the beans, doesn't it? Should I object? If I do, will that make me an addict with a bad attitude? I don't want to rock the boat, if you know what I mean. I promised them yesterday, in writing, to be a good addict. (I hope no one is offended by my feeble attempts at humor.)If I couldn't laugh about this at times, I would cry all the time.

I just took my second dose of Suboxzone 8mg.

I'm glad you're ok. I sure don't know about the lack of confidentiality. Perhaps it has something to do with the fact that it's within the facility itself and not to the "general public"? It's unsettling, I know. I wonder about the sheet that I have to sign every day at the pharmacy in order to get my daily dose of Sub. All the techs see it as do the other Sub patients who sign the sheet. Every day, I go in and my hackles are up over that but, being the good addict that I am, I keep my mouth shut and get my little pill and go home. I'm hoping to be off Sub soon and these days will be but just a memory. Keep us posted on how you're doing! I'm pullin' for ya! Oh! The neck pain? I don't remember pain settling in any one area but my friend did. Her back was hurting for a day or so, then it went away. I came up with my own little theory. Narcotics affect our central nervous system, which is housed in our spinal chord. When we've made major changes, it's reasonable to expect some sparks to fly in those areas. I dunno! Sounded good to me!

See Ya!


Daily??? You have to go to the pharmacy DAILY?? What kind of plan is that? What happens if there is a snowstorm or tornado? What if you're unable to get there? That seems a wee bit of a hardship in my opinion. I received a week's worth and hope to step up at some point to a month. Has it always been that way for you. Since I'm new can you tell me how this all got started with you and where you are? I would like to know that about others too. It'd be nice to have an area for short addiction bio's. Know what I mean?
I'd like for everyone to welcome my Avatar. I finally figured out how to set it up and fix my profile thingie. Now, if I could only figure out how to post an image and do my signature.
Ha! You have a lot more patience with that stuff than I do! I tried a couple of times and said "Forget it!"

Yes, I have to go every day. My doctor is a GP with a certificate to administer Sub but she does not specialize in it. She wants to continue her regular practice and not draw a lot of attention to her capacity to prescribe Sub. She says she doesn't want to deal with a bunch of addicts conning her. Soooo...because she really does want to help those who are actively seeking help, she helps me. She's overly cautious because she doesn't want to promote the mis-use or the illegal marketing of Sub. She makes me go every day. I have it so that I'm one day ahead. That way if I miss a day, I'm ok. The area I live in is very small and Sub is really very new here so everyone is acting like it's plutonium or something. I don't really know what plutonium is (other than Superman didn't like it) but it sounds dangerous!

Anyway, they do have a place here to tell your story and to keep an addiction diary. Lots of people have documented their histories there. I've never done it because I tend to write novels and it would take a million years for me to tell my story! A little piece of me.....

I became alcoholic around the age of 35 or so. I got tired of that and went to rehab. I may have been able to do it on my own but after several attempts and no family support, I just signed myself in to rehab. I was sober for about 2 years when my back was really horrible. I'd taken pain pills occasionally for, know, having back surgery, wisdom teeth, having a mammoplasty, that kind of stuff. I'd been warned in rehab about taking mind altering substances but I, unfortunately, did not take it seriously. One pill, one day, and my addiction was in full blossom. Almost 7 years later, I am taking Suboxone. Some people don't agree with Sub or Methadone as a means to withdraw from opiates. I don't care what they think. I could not stop PP on my own so this is the route I'm taking. So far, so good. Some people will say that you must include AA/NA in your treatment program. My home group looks down on people who take Sub and I do not believe in lying about my treatment in order to be accepted into the group. I go on occasion but I don't share anymore. I have not found a feasable alternative to a 12 step program yet but I'm looking. We cannot stay on Sub forever and we do need some sort of plan to stay clean once we're off. I'm thinking of joining a convent. I'm done talking for now but I hope to chat with you again soon. Have a safe and healthy day!

Thank you for sharing your story. I still can't believe you have to go the the pharmacy daily. But, I understand your doctor's motivation. Your druggist and staff, unfortunately will continue to treat it like plutonium, as long as there is the veil of exclusivity, such as your daily trip collecting the magic nectar. There is no telling what those little highschool druggist clerks think about it. <G>
Star.....I began sub 4 weeks ago. I tried to quit CT 3 times and always relasped. The longest I stayed clean was 5 months. I never felt better or lost the craving to use pills. I was on my last run with pp's and I came to this board for advice. Everyone was so warm and caring and they kicked my butt into gear. I am so grateful for those people. In addition to using sub as a tool, I attend one individual therapy session, and 2 group meetings a week. It has been a life saver! It is the most positive step I've taken so far in my recovery. I do not want to remain on sub for a long time. Just long enough for my brain to heal some and then start tapering with my doctors help. While some do not advocate sub as a good tool to use for recovery, most still respect it. The key is to know it is just a tool and have a support system in place as well as a plan to stay off drugs such as AA/NA or even support groups like I attend. We use the 12 steps , the big book, and the same principles apply. I am going to start attending AA too.. I just felt the urge to share that with you! LOL!!Anyway........I am so happy that you have taken this positive step in your life. Remember One day at a time! Welcome to the board and keep posting!!
Thank you RKT. Are you having any problems or did you have any problems with the sub when you first began taking it? Has your doctor given you any inclination as to how long he/she will leave you on it? Mine would not commit either way yesterday. He just said, "that depends on you." What a totally non-committal answer. He should be a politician!

I will be going to weekly group therapy meetings too. I've decided to call them Rush Hour Head Sessions. (since they will be during the middle of rush hour, downtown)
No, I haven't had any problems with it. The first couple of days my lower back hurt alot, but it went away. My doctor also said that tapering would depend on me. I think that is their stock answer. LOL!! I'm ready to start tapering. In fact I am going to talk to my dr. this week about getting that started.......I see that Callie has been posting with you some. She is a really wonderful person with good sound advice. Lisa (cowgirl) also is great at advice and very caring. There are many here that are. I've made a few good friends here. I think it is amazing that you can make friends with people so fast and have never met them! You came to the right place for support and to just share what you are expierencing (not spelled right). Good to have you.

Edited to say that I had a slight headache for a few days too. I think that is a pretty common thing. It went away too!

Is this an academic institution? If so, is your information available to physician's who practice at this university and not any random Dr. from another teaching institution?

Yes, it is an academic institution. Does that make a difference in privacy matters?

I think your information is available to all of the physician's at this teaching institution. Not to anyone who is practicing at another academic institution or another Physician's group. Like, if you go to a UCLA Dr., then your records are electronic and can be pulled by a physician who is on staff at UCLA. So, if you ended up at a community based institution those records would not be available without your consent.
