Dear Briar

i really appreciate you and all your concern for everyone here you are truly a wonderful person and if i said anything on the other post to make you upset i am truly sorry. what i was wondering though is how is your relationship with the Lord. i only ask because of what you posted the other day to me. i pray it is still ongoing and that you will do what you can to intensify your walk. we as christians can slip and fall sometimes as everyone can, however when it is all over and the votes are in "all that matters are the things that are eternal." we will look back on this addiction thing one day and say that it was truly a stepping stone in order for us to get closer to God. i just wish it would happen sooner than later but i guess that all depends on me, huh.
again thank you for all you do:
in Christ's service
My relationship with the Lord. Johnny, thats a tough one. I love Jesus and beleive that He died for us but I don't go to church. I know that some of the things I do are wrong, but I do them anyway. Johnny, I'm going to think this thru and post back a little later tonight. At the moment, my 11 year old son has 2 friends here and I'm trying to keep Tommy away from them because he's bugging them and I'd like to put some thought into this.
In the meantime, I appreciate your compliments, it means alot to me. I'm going to skim what I missed in the past couple hours and come back on after dinner when the kids leave.
i am looking forward to your reply. i hope you don't think i was to forward in what i asked, and don't worry i will not say anything against your reply. afterall we must work out our own salvation with fear and trembling. who am i to say my way is right. i pray i will never put God in a box in saying there is only one way in a relationship w/ Him. i just kinda wanted to know where you stood and did you feel like i do at sometimes. i really feel like i am beating a dead horse by confessing christ and then being addicted to pills and all. i hope you don't think i was asking in order to attack you if you didn't do it my way. i respect anyones relationship w/ Him. so please when ever your ready to reply please do so
thank you