I would like to know why people take very large doses of tramadol,Is it to get high?,or is it for pain relief.I took percocet and oxycontin for both pain and because i liked the feeling,but i am confused why a person would take a drug with nasty side affects if they didnt even feel better.
Yes, it will make you high. I don't think it is as strong as percocet or other pp's, but I'm not completely sure about that.
I just went throw this ,,1 it was a pain pill replacement ,no ,and addict will take more to get that high ,yes it will get you high,has we would call it,BUT not the same high,a energy high ,like taking caffeine pills, I felt horrible after I took them for 5 days ,really in all reality ,trying to get the hydro high ,which I personally did not get ,and that cause seizures,we can pain pills but tramadol if you take higher doze can be deadly ,take it from me ,I felt like my mind was going ,it was bad ,so be careful .nasty pills ,poopie
Why do addicts take any kind of pill? Because we're addicts.
To Cowgirl: yes hun i understand that we as addicts take pill and such because where addicts,but we wouldnt continue to take a substance that neither made are pain go away,or Gave us that BUZZ we like.That was my inquiry regarding Tramadol!!! IT appears to offer only negative results and from what i observed it doesant appear to provide any FEEL_GOOD properties,a prior respondent said its like Caffeine pills (Speedy) Thanks john
Before I got hooked on hydro I had taken tramadol a few times and did get a high from them. I think after you take really strong narcos and know how so called great they make you feel....then take something like tramadol you think it is going to give you that same feeling if you take enough of em. I know I tried anything if I was out of hydro to achieve that feeling and usually ended up feeling awful and sick. But it didn't stop me from trying again.....maybe I didn't take the right amount or some crazy crap like that. You can fool yourself into believing anything
yes ,rhonda you are so ,rite ,I thought the dr gave me a easy way out ,was out of my pills and did tell him some things addict part ,gave me tramadol ,and thought ,ummm like hydro,not ,I really felt high alrite ,straight to paraniod dreamn ,that I coudnt get out of,,,we want that happy feeling ,dont take hydros ;and want that high from tramadol ,all you will get is like a coffee high and feel sick,scared ,wont to leave your house,its so horrible ,,,IM on day 3 with no pills and feel worse than last time ,IM sure its because of the tramadol.things we do and say ,TO GET THAT FEELING,,AND YOU ALL NOWHAT im TALKING ABOUT,THAT COZY ,FUN FEELING ,THAT WE ALL LOSE AT THE END ,TO DEATH ,INTATUTION OR INSANE ASLLUMIGN.CRAZY HOUSE ,,THATS RITE MY DEAR FREINDS ,POOPIE
I got high from them too which is why I took them for so long. I think though that everyone is different and will have different effects. Like with darvocet...I never liked that feeling and wouldn't take them but others were addicted to them.
That's right Lisa............I couldn't take darvocet either or wouldn't.....I didn't like how it made me feel......
I remember ,dorvacet ,got me where im at ,went to hydros ,took them for 3 years ,than hydros 6 years now ,trying to stay clean,love poopie
Tramadol is a horrible drug and has terrible side effects when you stop taking them. I was taking them for 2 months b/c I broke my leg and when I thought that I didn't need them anymore because I was on my way to healing I stopped taking them and had a frighting experience. Jerks, sweats, SEVERE insomnia. Nothing helped ease the symptoms.... I was in the bath tub 2-3 times during the night trying to relax.I thought I was going crazy. I went to the family dr and that's when he told me what was going on....told me that I had to wean off of them. He gave me a new script for a month and told me what to do.... I did it and all worked out just fine. I will never take that stuff again. It says that it's non narcotic and non addictive.....They Lied!!!
Hi I am new here , I have also had the Tramadol nightmare . They say it is non narcotic . That is crap !
This is my first time posting; though I have been visiting this site for several months. I have extensive experience with Tramadol, having first been prescribed it for back pain (which started my whole bout with opiate abuse) about 8 years ago. After several months on Percocet then Vicodin, I was prescribed Tramadol and told it was NOT a narcotic and NOT addictive. They were so WRONG! Tramadol did not really give me a "high" like the narcotics did, but instead an all over good feeling, energetic and happy - and made sleep so easy and comfortable. Over the years I increased my usage to up to 50 pills a day (I am really not kidding!). The tolerance builds fast, and if I didnt increase the dose, the w/drawals would set in. I did have 3 seizures over the last few years and am 100% sure they were due to Tramadol overdoses. I am now 60 days clean and am definitley battling the PAWS thing. This is my second time getting off them - the first time I was up to about 50 days, but then relapsed when some heavy personal tragedy hit; my Dad was diagnosed w/cancer on Thanksgiving. I was very weak, I had a refill left and went & got it. Very stupid move on my part. I started up again & was quickly up to my prior usage amounts. I stopped again 2 months ago and this time I AM going to stay clean. I have had a very hard few months, my oldest daughter left for college, had to put my 14 yr. old lab down, and am having very bad financial problems (lots due to the $ spent on drugs). I was actually considering ordering some today but then stopped here first. I read the post about the gate thing and think that may have saved my life!!!! Yes, sounds dramatic, but it's true! Thank you so much whoever wrote that. So - bottom line - Tramadol may not give you a "high", but it is very dangerous & very addictive. I am sure some people can use it w/out trouble & may it may help them short term, but my advice would be to take it only as directed for as short as time as possible, but preferably - JUST NEVER START!
Wow, great post beadgirl!!
Thanks for sharing, you have a very powerful story and I just wanted to let you know that I think you are amazing.
I give super duper props to anyone that has the courage and strength to quit opiates cold turkey and pay the piper up front and in full.
I was a chronic relapser and am on suboxone. I am on a small dose now and it is my goal to be off of it soon, I am always blown away by those that are able to do it the way you have.
Do you attend meetings? What do you do to remain clean? I know for me face to face support was key to my sobriety. I will 2 years clean and sober on November 6th. I have to admit that I don't spend as much time as I used to going to meetings but I will go when I feel the need to connect with other addicts and my friends here.
Thanks again for sharing!
Thanks for sharing, you have a very powerful story and I just wanted to let you know that I think you are amazing.
I give super duper props to anyone that has the courage and strength to quit opiates cold turkey and pay the piper up front and in full.
I was a chronic relapser and am on suboxone. I am on a small dose now and it is my goal to be off of it soon, I am always blown away by those that are able to do it the way you have.
Do you attend meetings? What do you do to remain clean? I know for me face to face support was key to my sobriety. I will 2 years clean and sober on November 6th. I have to admit that I don't spend as much time as I used to going to meetings but I will go when I feel the need to connect with other addicts and my friends here.
Thanks again for sharing!
Kee Kee - I am flattered by your response, thank you, and congratulations on your upcoming 2 year anniversary; I am in awe of you!
Slowly tapering down is surely the safest and most recommended way of getting off Tramadol (or any opiate). Cold turkey is definitely dangerous, especially at the high # of pills I was taking, but tapering for me just did not work. As soon as I decreased a pill or two, I would feel the w/d's set in and knew I could not handle weeks of that. Based on the info I learned about the drug and reading tons of posts & diaries from people's personal experiences, I knew w/d would be (physically) horrible for at least a week - and it was. Both times I sort of "planned" when I was going to do it, knowing that I would be sick so I did it at a time when I knew not much was going on. My second time was actually a bit better, I think partly because I knew exactly what was coming and also due to some new things I tried from stuff I read (again, from personal posts, etc.). The w/d's are hateful and I'm sure different for everyone. I personally suffered drenching sweats, hot/cold prickly feeling constantly, diarrhea, nausea, total emotional instability (my poor family!), & mostly - and I hear this ALL the time - insomnia. That was the worst & to this day I know I may never sleep like before I met Tramadol. This is all horrible - BUT - temporary. After a day or 2, each day gets better and better, and after about a week, most of the really bad stuff is over. Knowing this would be the case, (I just had to make it through a week or so) this is how I was able to do the CT thing.
So, staying clean will be my challenge! I will not relapse again. Posting here is my first step - I have read message boards, stories, etc. for a couple of years but this is the first time I have actually posted & told someone my story. Your response has encouraged me so much. I am also going to get some outside help (therapy). They say that there is usually an underlying emotional cause for addiction. I cannot figure what mine would be - I really have so many good things in my life; but I am going to make an appt. w/someone today. And lastly, I have to stay clean. I simply cannot afford it any more. I have put a terrible financial strain on my family - unbelievable how much I have spent on Tramadol over the past few years. I am afraid to add it up. It is insane how easy it is to get on the internet (but SO expensive).
Thanks for asking - sorry I got so long winded - but oh, is it theraputic! I hope so much that my story can help someone else in any kind of way!
Slowly tapering down is surely the safest and most recommended way of getting off Tramadol (or any opiate). Cold turkey is definitely dangerous, especially at the high # of pills I was taking, but tapering for me just did not work. As soon as I decreased a pill or two, I would feel the w/d's set in and knew I could not handle weeks of that. Based on the info I learned about the drug and reading tons of posts & diaries from people's personal experiences, I knew w/d would be (physically) horrible for at least a week - and it was. Both times I sort of "planned" when I was going to do it, knowing that I would be sick so I did it at a time when I knew not much was going on. My second time was actually a bit better, I think partly because I knew exactly what was coming and also due to some new things I tried from stuff I read (again, from personal posts, etc.). The w/d's are hateful and I'm sure different for everyone. I personally suffered drenching sweats, hot/cold prickly feeling constantly, diarrhea, nausea, total emotional instability (my poor family!), & mostly - and I hear this ALL the time - insomnia. That was the worst & to this day I know I may never sleep like before I met Tramadol. This is all horrible - BUT - temporary. After a day or 2, each day gets better and better, and after about a week, most of the really bad stuff is over. Knowing this would be the case, (I just had to make it through a week or so) this is how I was able to do the CT thing.
So, staying clean will be my challenge! I will not relapse again. Posting here is my first step - I have read message boards, stories, etc. for a couple of years but this is the first time I have actually posted & told someone my story. Your response has encouraged me so much. I am also going to get some outside help (therapy). They say that there is usually an underlying emotional cause for addiction. I cannot figure what mine would be - I really have so many good things in my life; but I am going to make an appt. w/someone today. And lastly, I have to stay clean. I simply cannot afford it any more. I have put a terrible financial strain on my family - unbelievable how much I have spent on Tramadol over the past few years. I am afraid to add it up. It is insane how easy it is to get on the internet (but SO expensive).
Thanks for asking - sorry I got so long winded - but oh, is it theraputic! I hope so much that my story can help someone else in any kind of way!
Everything that you typed regarding w/d's....I relate 110% to!
Just reading it has awakened a feeling that I haven't had for a very long time....and that is gratefulness. I know that I should feel this more often, but the truth is that you get busy living life and sometimes forget to stop and appreciate SOBRIETY!!
That is what you have done for me today. I think it's easy to feel, well, complacent about recovery and I know that I am guilty of that. It was the horrors of wd that kept me sick and using. I admit it, I was and still am the biggest baby when it comes to pain. I know that I am not finished yet and that I will have to be completely free of all pills. I started at 12mgs daily of suboxone and have fluctuated between that dose since November 6/06.
I used to feel tremendous pressure to be off of it. I realized that this was not good for my recovery and had to let those feelings go. We all have to bear our own cross and go through what we do to learn and to help others.
Today I am grateful that I don't have to feel the monstrous effects of w/d and god willing will never have to again. I am grateful that I am not sneaking around stashing pills here and there and obsessively counting and divvying them out to myself. I am accountable to those that depend on me and myself....that way of life was not for me and I was a waste of space.....an empty shell of a human being...going through the motions of life...not feeling anything. <<<<shudder>>>
It doesn't matter how we get clean, it's that we do and to never give up trying. I have known of people that have had many years of sobriety under there belt only to GO OUT........again.
It's the fight...and as long as we are in the fight life is good!!
Welcome to the board and thanks again for sharing your powerful story.
Yesterday is gone.....today is what it's about so don't beat yourself up for things that you have done...it's about what you are doing today for yourself and your family.
In no way does your past=your future! It doesn't define who you are it's only a sign of where you have been and what you have learned...the good and the bad!
Again, your post really inspired me today......thanks and keep posting!!
I don't get here as much as I used to, but to know I can come here on any given day is such a blessing!
Have a happy and sober day!!
Just reading it has awakened a feeling that I haven't had for a very long time....and that is gratefulness. I know that I should feel this more often, but the truth is that you get busy living life and sometimes forget to stop and appreciate SOBRIETY!!
That is what you have done for me today. I think it's easy to feel, well, complacent about recovery and I know that I am guilty of that. It was the horrors of wd that kept me sick and using. I admit it, I was and still am the biggest baby when it comes to pain. I know that I am not finished yet and that I will have to be completely free of all pills. I started at 12mgs daily of suboxone and have fluctuated between that dose since November 6/06.
I used to feel tremendous pressure to be off of it. I realized that this was not good for my recovery and had to let those feelings go. We all have to bear our own cross and go through what we do to learn and to help others.
Today I am grateful that I don't have to feel the monstrous effects of w/d and god willing will never have to again. I am grateful that I am not sneaking around stashing pills here and there and obsessively counting and divvying them out to myself. I am accountable to those that depend on me and myself....that way of life was not for me and I was a waste of space.....an empty shell of a human being...going through the motions of life...not feeling anything. <<<<shudder>>>
It doesn't matter how we get clean, it's that we do and to never give up trying. I have known of people that have had many years of sobriety under there belt only to GO OUT........again.
It's the fight...and as long as we are in the fight life is good!!
Welcome to the board and thanks again for sharing your powerful story.
Yesterday is gone.....today is what it's about so don't beat yourself up for things that you have done...it's about what you are doing today for yourself and your family.
In no way does your past=your future! It doesn't define who you are it's only a sign of where you have been and what you have learned...the good and the bad!
Again, your post really inspired me today......thanks and keep posting!!
I don't get here as much as I used to, but to know I can come here on any given day is such a blessing!
Have a happy and sober day!!
I have heard of Suboxone before and know that it can assist with withdrawal, but am not exactly sure what it is and/or how it works. Whatever the answers, if it has helped you to stay sober for 2 years I say more power to you, and that any decision regarding its use is yours and yours alone to make based on your personal situation.
Thank you so much for making me feel welcome & for letting me know that I have made a positive effect on your day; and mostly, for realizing how underrated sobriety really is!!!
You are such a kind person, have a wonderful day!
Thank you so much for making me feel welcome & for letting me know that I have made a positive effect on your day; and mostly, for realizing how underrated sobriety really is!!!
You are such a kind person, have a wonderful day!