Dog's In Bad Shape.. Pls Help

Hi ya'll i just got an email from my mom... about our lab... he's still on the farm where she lives and he is sick... i was wondering if anyone knows what might be wrong with him... i am really worried... any advice would be really appreciated. Love, Bri
This is a copy of the email....

Something is wrong with Hank--about 1:00 this morning he went to get outside and when he came back in he just fell down on the porch--he had to drag himself back into the house--he was panting and trimbling bad--his heart was racing---this is the second time it has happened that we know of---once before about two weeks ago----
Get him immediately to the hospital he might have eaten something poisionous. My next door neighbor's small dog ingested a Rhodendron leaf and he died. I hope he gets the help he needs, immediately. I have to go to my psychiatrist's, so I will chat with you later.

What about Parvo? I hope it's not, but the falling down thing scares me... is he peeing or pooping, vomitting? Eating/drinking?
It could be something he got into, either way I'd ask your folks to take him to vet ASAP.
Hugs Briana! Hope everything works out ok!

Love Rach.
Hi Bri,,,,

I could not believe it when i read your post...our lab..he is 5..also has had the same thing happen to him. It happened thursday night for the 2nd time that we know of.
The first time it happened we took him to the vet..she asked if he got into the garbage..and possibly ate something..i guess chemical...she was thinking he may have been poisoned..cuz he was stumbling..couldnt control his he was drunk...rapid heartbeat...and he lost control of his bowels..not completely..just a little. His throat also started to swell..we had to hurry and get his collar off.
This lasted about 5 or 7 minutes...we just kept petting him and talking to was horrible. Then he snapped out of it..started walking perfect..he was panting ALOT...and restless for the rest of the night (pacing)..but now he is ok.
I asked a few friends about a possible seizure..they said dogs usually have seizures like humans do (same symptoms). They also asked if he possibly drank antifreeze. Well our vehicles dont im afraid someone may have poisoned him.
Did your parents dog have any other symptoms? Did they take him to the vet??
Poor Babys..
Has he recently had flea medication applied? I have read that it can cause reactions.
Thanks ya'll for the quick responses... well, i called some vets and they think he has had a stroke or mini seizures... i am going to put a check in the mail for my mom to take him to a vet... see we left him when we moved cuz i didn't want to take him from the place he loves so much... i am just worried about him... i wish i was there to hold him and comfort him. Please keep him in ya'lls prayers... Love you all, Bri ;)
Bri I had a lab who from time to time will have seizures. Her's were scary. We ride them out make sure she does not hit her head.

If possible make the area safe so she does not smash her head. It looks wosre than it is.

You do not want to have to start medicating your doctor cause most vet's will do just that.

12 stepping... does your lab take med for it? Do you think if it is seizures i still need to take him to the vet? Momma says that he doesn't vomit or have uncontrollable bowel movements do you think it's still seizures? He is only 5 yrs old... i hope its nothing serious... thanks for helping me. Love, Bri :)
Also, the vet will accept credit cards over the phone. I call and do that for my son's dog.
Amy... i wish i had a credit card to do that... but, i can't get credit bc i got my car repossessed last year... i am gonna have to sent it to her via snail mail... lol! Love, Briana :)
Yes Bri, please take him to the vet, Now, not later, now. If you can get your mother too take him now, you call the VET and tell them you will send the check directly to them to expediate his care. I am afraid that he may not make it while waiting on the check. Can't she just go to the vet now? And do a CC by phone with the VET or a promisary note.

Call the vet since you do not have a CC and tell them the urgency and situation about the check and beg to have them see the dog now, they may do a check by phone.
I am so sorry about your predicament. I hope everything turns out fine. By the way, I e-mailed you. I haven't heard back from that job, but everything looks grim right now. I hope your doggie doesn't have anything serious or long-term. Good luck.

ok ,listen very closly,one my dog had simlaier semtoms,,,she panted ,heart raced,and very disoreinted,,,,she had a mild strke,,not much to do,,keep a cold wet rag on forhead and 1 baby asprin,,,take to vet ,and she should be ok ,,look at her eyes they change ,,they just look tired,,like they aged 10 years ,,really ...and her left side of mouth is drippy,,she cant drink water just rite anymore,,well there you go sweety,,god bless your sweet baby(dog),,poopie
Hi Bri,
I have nothing to really offer here but some prayers....
I hope your lab is fine....
Will keep good thoughts.
Hey honey,

I would run not walk with your lab into the nearest vet...not sure why your Mom hasnt done that...

two things come to mind...well could be the onset of diabetes, ( how old is he>? Dogs can get gestation diabetes as they he thin and does he drink alot after an episode like that?

2nd...I hope to gosh its not his heart, but it certainly sounds like it could be, has he had his heartworm meds>?? The vet can do a simple blood test to look for an enzyeme that can indicate heart problems, an enlarged heart etc...

Lastly, there isnt any rat or mouse poison around is there?? rat poison is called Warfarin and it is pink in color and some dogs do lick at it, or sometimes just eating or biting at a dead mouse that was killed by warfarin, is enough to enduce seizures etc..Warfarin is a blood thinner, and used in humans too, but with rodents, they literally bleed to death within hours of eating it...poor things, i think a mouse trap is much kinder..

Anyway...please please tell your Mom to take him in, there are vets that are open 24 hours a day.Im worried about him, love dogs, and used to have a lab myself as a kid..

please let us know how he is


Bri I just want you to know Ill keep your dog in my heart & prayers I hate when animals get sick its so hard to try & figure whats going on.i hope hes ok...mj's your dog? Any better today? Did your mom take him to the vet?
Thanks ya'll... well, i haven't heard from my mom since yesterday... i kept trying to call her... but no answer... she was supposed to find out how much my aunt's dog's vet costs and call me back... still haven't heard from her... i will let you know later when i find out. Love, Bri :)

My dog had a similar incident. We had taken him running the day before and he ran hard and had to lay down, which was not normal for him. He was fine, even the next morning at 8 am. By 8:30 he was shaking, drooling, staggering, heart racing and could barely stand up.

I immediately rushed him to the vet. Turns out, he had severe bacterial pneumonia. His pulse ox was only 46 and the vet could not believe he could still stand and walk. It was likely cause from jumping in a nasty pond with bacteria in it. But she said it could be multiple things that caused the bacteria.

After a round of meds he got better, but he has never been 100% since then. I think it is scar tissue in his lungs. He could never run those hills like he used to again, and he pants very hard after exercise.

Have her get him to the vet, it is better to know than guess. I hope he is okay.


can you email me please at

Its about your dog...

