Doing It All Alone!!!!

Hi. In 2002, almost 14 years ago, a doctor prescribed Methadone to me for pain issues. For many years before, I have taken a variety of opiates. I am now 51yrs old and have have pretty much taken opiates since the age of 18. But let's deal with Methadone. At one point in my life, I took as much as 160mg daily. For the past year or so, I'm taking only 20mg daily. A few weeks ago I lost my job, have no savings and absolutely no one to assist me financially. There are things I want in my life that do not coincide with continued use of Methadone such as going to India for an indeterminate amount of time. I am now forced into withdrawal and I want to beat this. I am on day 4 and I feel rough, but not as rough as I have felt in times past when I would have to go a few days without meds. For one, my attitude is different this time. What can I do, without money, to survive this for I fear the worst is yet to come. Any help will be greatly appreciated. I am trying to constantly listen to music and get outdoors to get fresh hair and listen to the birds to help with anxiety. Thank you!!!!!!
That was supposed to be *fresh AIR. This withdrawal process is affecting my brain. Sorry for any typos.
I committed to AA/NA in 1989 and attend meetings regularly.

I work my 12 Step program daily and continue to be amazed at how good life gets clean/sober.

Someone asked me years ago if I believed in miracles... I said "I rely on them!"

The miracle(s) continue as I live in AA/NA "one day at a time".

The 12 Steps will give you a new life (clean/sober) if you work them - And they are FREE !!

All the best.
Bob R
Drink lots of water and I mean lots!!
Keep your head High , you can make it, They say lots of hot baths.
your story of mine are very similar. I started using methadone 15 years ago for chronic pain. 880 milligrams a day a taper down to about 20. on Christmas day I went cold turkey. I had already lost my job had no money and no one to help me. I read this bulletin board, got some advanced mode D , a few soups. in on Christmas day I lock myself in the house without any medicine. the first three days weren't too bad. Then it hit me, so this is what I did. take lots of hot baths , if you can drink protein shakes, eat warm starchy foods, drink lots of water, or hot tea. the first month I was hyper sensitive and very people here will help emotional. Thursday will make 2 months and I'm doing great. read other peoples comments on this bulletin board. use ithe bulletin boardt to vent your problems,it helps . stay strong and remember if I can do it you can too.
Thank you so much to everyone with your kind words filled with hope and encouragement. In a few short hours, I will be on Day 10. I must say it's going better than in times past when I would run out for a few days. Not that it has been easy. The chills, sweats, anxiety, dizziness, and fatigue have been the worst!!! My initial problem, back pain, has bothered me, but not too severely. I know I have a long way to go. A lifetime, actually. But I really feel I just might be able to conquer this if I surround myself with the right people. I will be back on here in a few days to check in with my progress. You guys are great!!!! God bless you all!!!!
Hello there. I'm so glad i found this place. Ok now, i am not english speaker and i will try to write everything to be clear. I'm here becouse of my husband, he's been on methadone almost 5 years, and now he's trying to taking off of it, it's third week already, before that he tryed detox , drop and take off of mdone but it didn't work at all, he returned to program again and now he stopped and he's struggling, suffering so much, i think there are no ways to stop this pain. In our country there are no medical support centres where he could stay for a while, here we have no detox plan, he's trying all alone, sometimes he need to take some pain relief spazmalgons or zepams, but it works only some hours. I don't know how to help, what to suggest, he even can't speack or listen , and stopped eating, i know that balanced feeding is very important but he can't. Pls if anyone can help with advices , reply me.