Donna2 O/t

Just curious who you think is going to be the American Idol? I called it when I said it would be between Blake and Jordan. I was so dissapointed to see Melinda voted off, but I think she'll be recording CD's very soon. My pick is Jordan, who do you think? Anyone else have a favorite?
Jordan is my favorite. I just can't believe Melinda got voted off. Must of been that strip tease she did for Simon LOL. Shantel
It's because she wasn't young enough or hip enough...I mean look how long Sanjerkoff stayed on! I like Jordon though, she'll do well.
Lisa, I think she will win but who knows with the way things are going this season. Thank god it is almost over. Worst season ever. I see your going away for a couple of weeks. Going on vacation? Shantel
It has been wierd and it's the first time I've ever watched it. I hope next season is better.

Yep, I am going to be gone for a couple of weeks...Mexico. I can't wait. Need to get my husband out of town, his stress level is over the top. Do you have plans this summer to go anywhere?
You are so lucky. What I wouldn't give to get away for a couple of weeks. The only vacation I am taking is going camping for the Memorial Day weekend. It's hard for me and hubby to get away during the summer thats when practice starts for football and cheerleading for my 16 and 13 year old. I hope you have a great vacation. Shantel
What part of Mexico are you going to? Last time I was there we went to Cancun, Cozumel and Grand Cayman. Shantel
I remember those activities tend to put a damper on vacations. The only reason we get to go so much now is because there is no more soccer, no more football.

We are going back to Cabo San Lucas. It's my favorite place.
Funny when the kids were young we traveled everywhere. Not to many places they haven't been. Now that they are older the only thing we have time for is to pitch a few tents and break open the pop up camper for a long weekend. I don't mind it though I love the outdoors and the quality time we spend together without t.v. computers etc. The kids like it to but don't like the fact we make them leave the cell phones and Ipods at home. This year we are also taking the grandbabies with us so it should be quite the adventure. Shantel
I remember taking Jake camping when he was 3 weeks old...we did alot of camping back in those days. I outgrew the whole tent thing an RV. Much nicer. lol
I liked all three and was glad they made it to that point. Melinda (Penelope lol) has a perfect voice - just amazing - but I agree not hippest one there. I think Jordin will win because I think Melindas votes will now go to her rather than Blake. All three really came into their own though and should all do well.
I want to add that each year I think it wont be as good as last year but then sure enough the personalities all come out and it becomes unique for itself each year - I guess they "grow on you". Sanjerkoff was the main downside to this season.
lol..that's right, I caleed her Penelope. I'm horrible with remembering things. I agree, I think Melinda's votes will go to Jordan. Thing is, I won't be around next week to see who wins, so you'll have to update me when I get back. I still think Gina should have stayed in it and if it weren't for sanjayaihavewierdhair, she probably would of stood a better chance. he really screwed it up for some good talent.