Dr.'s And Sub

Just thought I'd share this info about tryng to get a doctor who prescribes sub. After receiving good advice from everyone on here, I used the physician locater and found the name of some doctors near me. Remember, I am paying for both the doctor's visit and the sub myself. After a couple of tries I finally got in touch with a doctor, not an answering service or machine. I told her what I wanted. At first she said that she had 30 patients and was full. Then she asked me to explain how I came to be abusing percocets. I told her about my migrianes but included in the course of my explanation that I haven't had a migraine for a while. Then she told me her terms. No insurance, $500 for the visit. When I reminded her that she told me that she had 30 patients, she said, "Well, if it's a pain issue, than that's different." So it sounds like that 30 patient limit is somewhat vague. Or maybe that's what they say if they don't think you are going to be the type of client they want. Or maybe since I'm paying cash and there is no insurance involved, she can accept me. When I asked her about the price of the pills, she said that they can cost as much as $5.00 a pill. But for me that's still reasonable compared to what I'm spending on my habit now. Has anyone else had a similar experience? I am going to see her on Friday morning.
Th doctor I called takes new patients, but wants all my records from my current doctor. AND they wanted verification that my insurance would pay.
I got discouraged and didn't call anyone else. However, I've been going to group sessions for addicts, and it's REALLY helping. I used to take 20+ pills a day,
yesterday, I only took 8, and I'm continuing to taper until my appointment with my doctor here.

It's frustrating, I know. If you have the money to go to the sub doctor, please do so. Otherwise, like me, you can search for free support groups, even NA.

Best of luck, keep us posted!
Hey AddictMom, Wow that's an incredible taper. And you're tapering from fiorinal right? Have you tried antidepressants? I don't know if you missed it but I responded back to you regarding the fiorinal and my past with it. I am going to ask the doctor about them when I go as well as the clonodine that everyone also takes. I was/am spending $700+ a week on percocets. It's really sick. We couldn't go on vacation, I'm really struggling to pay my daughter's college tuition and I'm behind on everything. Only my husband know about my problem. Does anyone know about yours?

LuvSlimJims...Is the Dr. a reputable one? It seems like she may just see $$$ signs...I looked at a few and then made my choice, but if you have no other choice I would at least go and get a feel for the situation. Just make sure when you go that you have started WD because you have to be going thru WD for the Sub. to work correctly...

I keep hearing about the dr. charging for pills?? Are you guys getting the pills right from the dr??? I get my Sub. from CVS with a prescription and the pills are about $3 each. I pay a $15 co pay and my insurance picks up the rest. My 1st doctor visit was $175 which I had to pay $15 and insurance picked it up. I can't remember if you said you had insurance or not but if you do you can pay the dr. and still submit the claim to your insurance. They willl then send you a check instead of the dr. Hope that helps!
Yeah, it's Fiorinol, and pretty darn hard to taper, but it's what i have to do right now.

About your doctor, Gotta is wise in bringing up the point about him dispensing the pills. I thought you got an Rx and had it filled at a pharmacy...
Oh, yeah, the antidepressants. I've been on Paxil for 10 years or so...
It helped at first, but lately there have been studies that suggest Paxil & others can make you suicidal. I HAVE felt that way at times, but don't know if it's from the Paxil or the Fiorinol abuse.
Once I'm clean, I am going to try to get off the Paxil, too. I belived antidepressants can help, but I'm starting to believe they shouldn't be used long term.

Hopefully I can talk to you later? I need to get off the computer or I'll get a headache! I can only post in small doses!
Love to you,
Hi Gotta,
It does sound like she's looking for money but I really don't want to shop around. I do have insurance but it's through an HMO so I think my own doctor will find out about it. Once I got a scrip from a doctor who is a neighbor and bought it with my insurance and my own doctor found out and questioned me about it. Another reason I don't want my doctor to know is that he still prescribes percs for my husband who takes them as prescribed for his pain. He does not abuse them. I do use his drugs sometimes, but I mostly get mine from other sources. That's why I like the idea of the sub. Supposedly on it, even if I do take a perc, it blocks the high, right? I'm nervous as hell about the withdrawal. She told me that I should stop using after 2:00 pm on tomorrow (Thursday). My appointment is at 9:00 am on Friday. Do you think that that is enough time to get into a good withdrawal? How long did you go into withdrawal before you took sub and how did you feel?
I'm with gotta on this one. Unfortunately there are doctors out there who are there are the cash and not so much to help. I would keep searching for a doctor, ask questions like are they addiction recovery specialists, how long have they been prescribing sub to other patients. My 1st visit was $150 and my check up visit have been free. My ins picks up the script. The doctor you choose is very important here, so shop around.
I'm proud of you trying to help yourself. If I can help any more let me know.

Thanks, Redd. I'm sorry if I gave the impression that the doctor is dispensing. She isn't. I asked her about the price of the pills since I wasn't going to use my insurance to pay. That's when she told me that they were expensive and what she thought they cost without insurance paying.

I have to tell you something really crazy though. The last time I was on my computer I forgot to clear my history. My 16 year old son went on and when he got off he asked me why I was researching suboxone for him? He wanted to know why I was checking into rehab for him? He doesn't know anything about my problem. My husband and I caught him smoking pot a few weeks ago and we made a big issue out of it. Grounded him, got him tested, scheduled counseling etc. I asked him how he knew about suboxone and he laughed at me. He said, "all the kids know about it. It's what heroine addicts use get off heroine"!! It just amazes and scares me because I see all kinds of adults on here asking about this drug. I never knew about it until a month ago and 16 year old kids know all about it. I never even started using drugs until my thirties and it was due to a pain issue. And I grew up in the 6o's!!The kids today are just exposed to so much more.I guess I'm really naive.