Drug Test

if one were to be tested in hospital lab for xanax--how long does it show up in sysyem for? my friend had a urine test and had not taken drug for 4 days--she weighs about 120 and only took them occassionally. do you think it will be pos or neg? thanks......dawn
If your friend has an RX for the meds that are being tested for then who cares? If your friend doesn't have an RX then the problem that I see is bigger than a positive drug test. I don't think people should be taking xanax....bad drug even with an RX....but without...well just dangerous.

Care to elaborate?
Xanax has an incredible half life...it will show up for weeks..but most drug tests do not test for benzo's.
she has no prescription!!! She is prob not addicted as she only takes them maybe once a week and sometimes two weeks to sleep on weekends. But she was drug tested four days later and now she's scared to death it will show up positive. I called one of those home drug testing kits to ask them how long xanax's stay in your system and they said 1-4 days for benzo's. Do you guys think they are wrong? I can't imagine something showing up for that long that she only takes on occasion. She said she only took one blue one--1 mg--in two weeks. She just gets them from her mom on occasion to sleep. Anyway, do you think the lady i talked to was right about 1-4 days in system? Also, would the time be different where she was tested in hospital lab--it was a urine test. Sorry to ask a million questions, but we are just scared to death--she has kids to take care of, etc. Please--any help would be greatly appreciated!!
That sounds right.I had a UA once and benzo's showed up after I took a valium 7 days before.
Depends on the strength and the amount. As I said, Xanax has a VERY long half life (probably longest of the benzo's). It can show up weeks later..

Also depends on the test quality too..

Blood test, even longer..but I think you said urine screen...

It's part of the reason why withdrawls last so long...my guess is if she was a once a week user though..not very long..

She should worry more about her use than her pee screen though
Drug Abuse Reference Guide - LabCorp

Why is your friend illegally using someone else's medicine? If she does not have problems with addiction, why can't she go to her own physician for management of her occasional nights of insomnia?

Food for thought.

Namaste' ~

ya..4-6 weeks..

mine showed up like 5 weeks later...

I didn't take a "lot"..just for a long time...prolonged use I guess..

Benzo's are usually not rx'd for longer than 4 weks or so..not supposed to be anyway but we all know how that goes..if long temr benzo use is required, theyy usually go with something like valium rather than Xanax or Ativan

So I suppose it you took a regular rx dose for the recommended amount of time, it might be 3-4 days...

I took it for much longer as we know...as most benzo users end up doing

The half life is the reason they are so difficult to withdraw from..
You can tell my mind is on other stuff..my typing looks dyslexic
are lab tests different from home testing kits?--she took a home testing kit and showed negative. do you guys think the same will happen in the hospital test they sent off? thanks guys i appreciate your help--we are VERY SCARED and she promises to never take them again--we just have to get out of this mess!
I dont think they are as good as a regular lab test but if she was taking it as you described, she might be ok..

My guess is if she didnt experience any type of withdrawl when she quit 4 days (?) ago, she should be clear...

It takes prolonged use for it to show up for a long time..also..depends on her usual dose..for Xanax .75 mg a day is considered a normal dose and would show with prolonged use but probably not with occasional. If she was taking a 2mg Xanax "bar" to fall asleep, it will show for sure. If she doesnt know her dose, white are .25, pink .50, blue 1mg and the bars are 2mg..

She just needs to totally knock it off..

ironic how an anti-anxiety drug can cause so much anxiety....

It's a bad assed drug for sure though...horrible

Thats why they dont use benzo's for pain pill withdrawl
Why are you scared? Why do YOU have to get out of this mess? What are you doing for your own recovery these days when you're not enabling someone else? If you're her friend, tell her to get some help with abusing medications. We all started with the occasional use on the weekends....
ironic how an anti-anxiety drug can cause so much anxiety....

Danny........it absolutely drips with irony.

linsdawn.........I have an acquaintance that did not take benzos on a regular basis....infact, she hardly ever did. She took one & it showed up on a urine test 1 1/2 weeks later. Like Danny said, they have a super long half-life.