Duragesic Patch Detox Protocol

Does anyone know the safest and fastest detox method for Duragesic Patch
treatment, following a two yeartreatment for chronic pain? I really need help.
Thanks so much for your help. God Bless all of you.
Sorry, i have never even herd of it. I wish i could help!

Someone will be by sooon to help you im sure. But posting here was a good way to get some info on anything like that.
Im sure someone will know!!!
Just wait for a few and maybe you will get some answers.

Your Friend, Christina*~~~*
Duragesic contains Fentanyl which is a powerful opiate so cold turkey should be avoided. I suggest consulting a drug and alcohol service about going onto short-term Subutex detox which can be anything from 5 days to a couple of months depending on the service and your recovery goals.
first how strong were the patches you were on. if possible i would try to get my dr. to taper me down, because this is a strong opiate. when you come down to as little as you can for a while i think then would be a good time for c/t. if that doesen't work maybe you sould try clonidine patches and go from there. but whatever you do i think you must always be truthful with your dr. this is serious medicine and can have bad side effects then i would try counsiling in all this and yes meetings (na/aa) or what works for you if all else fails you can always do sub, but i would try everything else first so you don't get blasted. the main thing is what works for you and what you feel comfortable with. i would stay away from all benzos if possible. i heard zoloft really helped people in w/d's so if at first you don't succeed try, try, again and finally it will work. my main suggestion just because of what i am going through is to stay away from methadone, coming off it after long term use is pure hell.
welcome to the sight and keep posting and let us know what road you are on and your progress
with Christ's love

p.s.believe in yourself and get a good support group, there are alot of people on here with different ways some succesful some not but at least you have decided it is a problem and that is the first start