My husband is addicted to E-Bay. It started a couple of years ago when he was home ill and he spent 3k in one month. Since then I found he secured a credit card and maxed it out with 14.7k in purchases and another with 1200.00 currently on it. He is currently retired and gets 700.00 a month in SS only.
He tells me he doesn't know why he does it, he just can't stop. He started seeing a psychiatrist 6 months ago but the appointments are 10 minutes and it seems like all that is happening is drug prescribing (anti-deps).
It seems that divorce is the only way to stop from being jointly responsible for any other bills he racks up losing the house or whatever else is down the road. I care about him, but I have no intention of being homeless in my retirement.
Any tips?
Certainly sounds like he has an addiction. There are addictive behaviours. His sounds much like a gambling addiction. He really needs to address this with his psychiatrist. Tell him to talk about this in the alotted 10 min. and ask the psychiatrist for another appointment allowing more time to discuss this further. This thing is riuning both of your lives and his confusion and remorse over this obssessive behaviour is certainly not going to help his depression any. He might want to talk to someone from gamblers annonymous for some input. Good Luck.
Hi I can certanly understand how you feel. My husband has an ebay addiction. Not spending wise but selling wise, he thinks you can get rich on ther and always wanting to spend hours on the site trying to sell things, he tried to sell some of my personal things and I had barly stopped that. Sometimes I wish that they would take down the site. I am not so innocent myself I have a history of drug addictions and been clean for 3 years now, but this ebay thing is driving me to drugs again.
I just wanted to pop in and say that I really know how you feel. Feel free to email me if need be
I just wanted to pop in and say that I really know how you feel. Feel free to email me if need be