Dear Elizabeth,
I have just read some of your postings. I have many similar conditions though I have found that I AM indeed using for emtions. I did not even realize till i had a stop in my pain awhile ago. Just stopped for severl weeks.It is back now but i am detoxing on a taper. Suffering so badly I dont know what to do, how im gonna make it.
I went to an addiction coucellor just one time and was going over to the PA site but it seems that someone there now thinks I am you. That I was the one that copied Dantes words and put them here....It was the most unbelievable accusation and I didnt even see it coming..went to the site this morning and it was posted to me as if it were as right as rain.. Internet mis- identity.
Good thing is someone asked what chatroom and then somone else posted the click to this website, so maybe that was destiny that we meet. I bet we have to the same specialist Dr..Hes not a very nice guy if its the same
We do both live in Canada, both have bone pain but unlike you I have had a problem with slowing down my consumption when i want too. i have gone to 2 meetings but do not feel im just plain scared of strict 12 steppers(lolol)
I was on the same meds and ( common im sure for bone pain) and actually have had the same experience with a comment form a doctor. Was he in Vancouver????
I really would like to talk to you. I know of Dante through the other site and think he has some great things to say, however he was being attacked over there a lot. I felt embarresed about a bunch of school yard bullies laughing and picking apart small stupid things like his typing skills, ridiculing him and questioning how a shrink could spell so bad...What website chat did you meet him in? Ive only been in one..they are more intimite than i thought and actually liked it but didnt get a chance to share.
Seems a handful of the posters over there are suspicious and actually paranoid;do not take what you have to say at face value..happened several times to me..this last though was off the charts...theyare scary to post to;you are right about that and dont blame you for not posting there.There were some nice people..really nice but the aggressive and paranoid ones ruined and
spoiled it for all...from what i have read this board seems much calmer.
PLEASE answer back..Im dying to talk to you! Did you get switched over to the weed pill yet??Let me know how that goes! I have a benign tumor, what kind of bone problem do you have?? ( if you dont mind to answer of course)
I cant wait to meet you!!!
Your friend in Canada ( Im in B.C.)
Ali- I will continue to pray for your recovery and your health. I hope you feel better soon.
Dear Alicap
I am sorry that you were blamed for something I did.I am glad that you came here and know that you will be welcomed.
I have a type bone disease called osteosarcoma..Bone pain is excrusiating ( sp?) and im sorry that you have that added to your desire to come off of narcotics.
Many members of this board have given me peace of mind, agreed that taking narcotics has a stigma. I only juststarted to post but have been in a pain management website before here.Many people do not realize the extent of my illness and this doesnt help matters. I do have a wonderful support system around me but many are nervous about the side effectsof narcotics etc. In my case I donot think the narcotics are what will get me, but still wish i was able to try something else.
I ama smoker and have tried tostop many times, a true addiction in my eyes.
Though i think we should not post his name Im sure the Dr you spoke of was the same vancouver. Hes notorious for his commentslike that. I was told not to listen that he is a good surgeon but does not specialize in pain meds.
Ali have you tried going to a pain clinic? I have to run right now but willtalkto you some more later.
Again please now how welcome you are here. You say you went to 2 meetings. How did that go? How are you feeling now? How long have you been on your taper? you are amongst friends here. i will email Dante and ask him to talk to you about some of your concerns.Look for his post to you. He is a very gentle and self assured man and he is wanting people who suffer to do whatever route leads to success. He is not anti aa or pro. has good to say about both sides. He concentrates on achieving your goals no matter how you get there. He had a problem with addiction himself 5 years ago.Hell make you feel better about where you are.he did me.
Take care of yourself,
I am sorry that you were blamed for something I did.I am glad that you came here and know that you will be welcomed.
I have a type bone disease called osteosarcoma..Bone pain is excrusiating ( sp?) and im sorry that you have that added to your desire to come off of narcotics.
Many members of this board have given me peace of mind, agreed that taking narcotics has a stigma. I only juststarted to post but have been in a pain management website before here.Many people do not realize the extent of my illness and this doesnt help matters. I do have a wonderful support system around me but many are nervous about the side effectsof narcotics etc. In my case I donot think the narcotics are what will get me, but still wish i was able to try something else.
I ama smoker and have tried tostop many times, a true addiction in my eyes.
Though i think we should not post his name Im sure the Dr you spoke of was the same vancouver. Hes notorious for his commentslike that. I was told not to listen that he is a good surgeon but does not specialize in pain meds.
Ali have you tried going to a pain clinic? I have to run right now but willtalkto you some more later.
Again please now how welcome you are here. You say you went to 2 meetings. How did that go? How are you feeling now? How long have you been on your taper? you are amongst friends here. i will email Dante and ask him to talk to you about some of your concerns.Look for his post to you. He is a very gentle and self assured man and he is wanting people who suffer to do whatever route leads to success. He is not anti aa or pro. has good to say about both sides. He concentrates on achieving your goals no matter how you get there. He had a problem with addiction himself 5 years ago.Hell make you feel better about where you are.he did me.
Take care of yourself,
Thou doest seem to protest too much.
Glad to see so many new members who have joined just since you posted.
Glad to see so many new members who have joined just since you posted.
Dear Elisabeth,
Thankyou for replying I am sorry that you have pain like that it makes me feel even worse that I do take them sometimes for non medical pain.
I am so confused about the w/d symptoms..not sure if i should just stop the taper completely as I deserve to suffer lol Is the pain i feel in my bone real? is it just memory pain like everyone talks about? It feels real. It feels exactly the same..but does that stop once the drug is out of my body? I would give anything to juwt have w/d/ the way some describe as the flu symptoms.
i have been reading the moodcure book that Dante recommended..makes a lot of sence to me, not sure if we have any specialists where i live that would know about it though. I live an hours flight from vancouver but have gone back there to see the specialist we have in common ( Dr. Grouch lolol) By the way I was in Calgary last month for a wedding and stayed at a beautiful castle hotel..loved Calgary!!!
I am not upset with YOU and to be honest was ready to leave anyway, just didnt like the way Dante was being treated and the 2nd guessing everyone.I am glad I went there however as it led me here to this board, and to you. Please feel free to email me i would love to talk to you more.Where is the pain website?
Sending you calm and peace and NO pain
Thankyou for replying I am sorry that you have pain like that it makes me feel even worse that I do take them sometimes for non medical pain.
I am so confused about the w/d symptoms..not sure if i should just stop the taper completely as I deserve to suffer lol Is the pain i feel in my bone real? is it just memory pain like everyone talks about? It feels real. It feels exactly the same..but does that stop once the drug is out of my body? I would give anything to juwt have w/d/ the way some describe as the flu symptoms.
i have been reading the moodcure book that Dante recommended..makes a lot of sence to me, not sure if we have any specialists where i live that would know about it though. I live an hours flight from vancouver but have gone back there to see the specialist we have in common ( Dr. Grouch lolol) By the way I was in Calgary last month for a wedding and stayed at a beautiful castle hotel..loved Calgary!!!
I am not upset with YOU and to be honest was ready to leave anyway, just didnt like the way Dante was being treated and the 2nd guessing everyone.I am glad I went there however as it led me here to this board, and to you. Please feel free to email me i would love to talk to you more.Where is the pain website?
Sending you calm and peace and NO pain
Ali , You got mail
Dearest Elisabeth,
I just wanted you to know that it was so great to see you in there.
I think the person you spoke of was from the other board and as you can see from the other post.Yes LOLOLOL shes just looking for a big drama.
I get hurt very easily by people but only if i care about or for them. If they dont have my respect in the first place why should I care what they think of me??LOLyou didnt know.stop worrying about the plane
... Respect takes time and trust..something that i think most addicts run short of because they dont or cant trust themselvs..
Anway thankyou soooooo much for all your advise. Have a wonderful time and dont forget the sunscreen.You are awesome..Have fun, try not to worry.
Big Hugs,
I just wanted you to know that it was so great to see you in there.
I think the person you spoke of was from the other board and as you can see from the other post.Yes LOLOLOL shes just looking for a big drama.
I get hurt very easily by people but only if i care about or for them. If they dont have my respect in the first place why should I care what they think of me??LOLyou didnt know.stop worrying about the plane
... Respect takes time and trust..something that i think most addicts run short of because they dont or cant trust themselvs..
Anway thankyou soooooo much for all your advise. Have a wonderful time and dont forget the sunscreen.You are awesome..Have fun, try not to worry.
Big Hugs,