My son is 34 and one year ago this week attempted suicide and almost succeeded. My youngest son took him in until I could move back to help. He had him in his home for 5 months and then the drugs started again. He was asked to get his own place as he was working and making good money. His younger brother bought him clothes , provided food and drove him to clinics. He moved into a rooming house and in Jan broke his back. Disaster in the making. He never gave up drinking and I am pretty sure he is using again. From the time I have move back, I furnished his room, bought food, clothes, given him money. He has been tossed out of rooming due to being disrupted, of course he denies. Blames his room mate for missing pills and money. He then got another place to stay 72 hrs later toss on streets. He is living on streets and every other day I get text how depressed he is. He is trying to get his life together but all his so called friends refuse to help him. He family says they love him and no one will help. He is trying to so hard to get back in my home. he threatens to kill himself again. He blaming everyone for his life. I've sent him places to go check himself in. He is now getting workers comp checks.
I haven't heard from him in 48 hrs do I call. I don't want to speak to him. I hate the desperation in his voice the manipulation he trys using on me the lost little boy voice . The dread I feel when he calls. 20 years of fighting this addiction with him. I told him this time he has to make the effort to get help. He expects everyone to help him and if they don't they are fake friends they don't love him. He is so much emotional work no one wants him around including me. BUT then I feel guilty and heartbroken.
He had such a promising life/smart/good looking/talented and now he uses our love to blackmail us. He is a bone of contention in my marriage. His stepfather has help more than his biological father, but when do we call it quits and let him get on with life and how do I live with the consequences?
I put this in one of your previous posts. I will repeat it:
"I strongly suggest YOU go to Nar-Anon & Al-Anon meetings for your own sanity .
They will show you what you can & cannot do .. and what you should/shouldn't do."
All the best.
Bob R
"I strongly suggest YOU go to Nar-Anon & Al-Anon meetings for your own sanity .
They will show you what you can & cannot do .. and what you should/shouldn't do."
All the best.
Bob R
papa bear, yes I finally released that I need help as much as my son.
will be looking for local meetings in my area as soon as possible. I have been addicted to my addict son.
will be looking for local meetings in my area as soon as possible. I have been addicted to my addict son.
Prayer is your Answer!
I believe Jesus is the answer too all. I however am trying to move out of the God can work. The fear of consuqences is very real..i need to give that to God too. My son too is handson, talented, smart, has a beautiful family of his own, but is an addict. He is now emotionally blackmailing me. I have been a good mother, but i cant enable anymore. I would give my life for his if it would somehow make him well..but it wouldnt. It somehow helps to know i am not alone..but i wish no one was in this nightmare of having a adult child on drugs. The only thing that has helped me get thru some days..and continuevto is
Contines to is this " Drugs are the taunt of demons...BUT..Jesus casts out demons" . I said a prayer for you.