Hi, my bf has been clean for awhile and has now started using heroin again. I can't take this anymore and I have stayed with him for several years. It is slowly killing me and I am miserable. It's even worse because I thought he really could quit this time. I feel like he was so close, but as much as I want to I know I can't do this any longer. I know I need to leave him but it's so hard. It doesn't help that I don't have anywhere to go and couldn't afford my rent if I kicked him out. I am not making enough money to support myself right now (I am in school full time) but I can't take this anymore. My parents would let me move back in but I'd have to get rid of my pets and tell them what's going on and I really don't need the extra drama in my life right now. I could really use some advice.
So sorry to hear you are in pain. I have also been where you are and made the decision to leave my b/f. The best thing is to be honest. Tell your parents the truth. I ran as fast as I could, to save myself from ruin. 4 years of hell and 7 rehab attempts and he is still spiking. Keep posting, there are many people that have been in the same position. Care for YOU now and not HIM.
So sorry to hear you are in pain. I have also been where you are and made the decision to leave my b/f. The best thing is to be honest. Tell your parents the truth. I ran as fast as I could, to save myself from ruin. 4 years of hell and 7 rehab attempts and he is still spiking. Keep posting, there are many people that have been in the same position. Care for YOU now and not HIM.