There are many stages during the recovery process, which can begin with identifying an addiction problem and learning about the various treatment options available.
We have compiled a broad range of recovery options to help visitors find the treatment that best suits their needs. These include: self evaluation, intervention services, recovery programs, mental health practitioners, detoxification, inpatient/outpatient, online treatment, message boards & chat rooms, outdoor therapy, retreats, sober housing and youth services.
To learn more about specific treatment options, visit our addiction medication, holistic approaches and residential treatment guides.
addiction medication
holistic approaches
residential treatment
Thank you, I have used several resources listed on this site that have been instrumental to my recovery. The wealth of information is phenomenal.
I was reading this site again and there are a whole bunch of differet programs, low cost or no cost, help with money for medication or treatment, 24 hour 800 help lines....
Everyone that is struggling, click on "TREATMENT OPTIONS" located on the top of this page (treatment options, addiction medication, holistic approaches, message board, beyond recovery)
I was reading this site again and there are a whole bunch of differet programs, low cost or no cost, help with money for medication or treatment, 24 hour 800 help lines....
Everyone that is struggling, click on "TREATMENT OPTIONS" located on the top of this page (treatment options, addiction medication, holistic approaches, message board, beyond recovery)
Hi mods its exellent that you are being pro-actice its a shame there cant be more. jaxxxxxxxxx
Thanks for posting this, I'm going to talk with the doctor about this and maybe they can start me on something.
Hey Everyone,
I had a scare on Weds night that I consider an awakening and a warning. I always thought that nobody can tell I'm under the influence, I''m doing fine. Not the case though. I'm in withdrawal again, Weds was the last day of using "Again", How many relapses have I had since I've been here?
This time though I almost got arrested. I was driving and got pulled over for a loud muffler, it was night time and the trooper told me to shut off my car. Ok, it's loud I can understand that. But then he asked me to step out, now I'm getting nervous. He said to me, do you have any drugs in your car? I said no, he asked me if I thought he was new to the job? I kept saying I don't use drugs. He had me out there performing all these different test, I failed them all. Then I thought about the vivarin I had just picked up at the store, so I said the problem is I'm too figity, I took a bunch of vivarins so I can stay awake, he asked if I had a prescription for it, of course I told him you don't need one and showed him the box. He said, you didn't open this box yet, I said no, I used the last of the box I had at home is why I picked these up. Well, he ended up relunctently going for that, gave me a ticket for the muffler. That was too close for me, Here I'm going to school and this would had blown everything.
No more, I can't take this anymore and I rather go through the withdrawals then to withdraw in a jail cell, losing my chance in school, my visitation of my son which is most important to me, I would had lost everything and it would had taken that one incident.
So, I just want to warn anyone that may think the cops doesn't know, they do, he checked my eyes and like I said, had me perform every test he could think of. Too much for me to take anymore. I finally have goals and I'm not chancing losing everything over these damn pills.
Hey Everyone,
I had a scare on Weds night that I consider an awakening and a warning. I always thought that nobody can tell I'm under the influence, I''m doing fine. Not the case though. I'm in withdrawal again, Weds was the last day of using "Again", How many relapses have I had since I've been here?
This time though I almost got arrested. I was driving and got pulled over for a loud muffler, it was night time and the trooper told me to shut off my car. Ok, it's loud I can understand that. But then he asked me to step out, now I'm getting nervous. He said to me, do you have any drugs in your car? I said no, he asked me if I thought he was new to the job? I kept saying I don't use drugs. He had me out there performing all these different test, I failed them all. Then I thought about the vivarin I had just picked up at the store, so I said the problem is I'm too figity, I took a bunch of vivarins so I can stay awake, he asked if I had a prescription for it, of course I told him you don't need one and showed him the box. He said, you didn't open this box yet, I said no, I used the last of the box I had at home is why I picked these up. Well, he ended up relunctently going for that, gave me a ticket for the muffler. That was too close for me, Here I'm going to school and this would had blown everything.
No more, I can't take this anymore and I rather go through the withdrawals then to withdraw in a jail cell, losing my chance in school, my visitation of my son which is most important to me, I would had lost everything and it would had taken that one incident.
So, I just want to warn anyone that may think the cops doesn't know, they do, he checked my eyes and like I said, had me perform every test he could think of. Too much for me to take anymore. I finally have goals and I'm not chancing losing everything over these damn pills.