Feeling Really Hopeless

I have been trying for the past week to get an appt. with a Dr in my area that can prescribe suboxone. I cannot get in anywhere-mostly all the docs are to their maximum of 30 patients. I have tried to taper off several times in the past few weeks, and have been going through some really hard family stuff that has made this really difficult. I just feel so down I cannot even describe it. So alone...I have tried attending AA/NA meetings on a regular basis, and I know this sounds odd, but I find it hard to find comfort in a group of people talking about day to day things, when I have really heavy stuff going on that is very serious. I don't know what to do.
hi star,

im sorry you are having a hard time getting an appt.

is there another dr in the area that can help you?

im up for a while if you want to talk

I have literally gone down the list I printed off the internet and been calling all of them. I just haven't had any luck. I am on a waiting list, but she said there are 5 people ahead of me and that it would be awhile before I got in. I just feel so down. I am really freaked out, like there is no light at the end of the tunnel. I have been through inpatient and outpatient detox. Thanks for listening. How are you doing?
i have had that hopeless feeling... for a long time i couldnt see the light either

the important thing is that you have a desire to be clean...im here to help

lets go from there

im sorry i dont know your story your DOC is hydro?
DOC is hydro, been on it on and off for a little over 3 years. Started taking it for back pain, then my tolerance became higher and higher and the rest is history...I have the desire to get clean for sure. I am really scared I am going to lose for fiance if I don't. He said after I got out of rehab that if I didn't stay clean, he would leave (I lied to him alot through this process) and he doesn't know that I have relapsed. He does not understand addiction at all. Also in the past month, I have had some serious stuff happen with my family that has taken it's toll on me big time. I am going back and forth with whether or not to get on the anti-depressant I was prescribed, but I am scared about adding another addiction to the mix.
ok star,

do you IM on AOL- if so we could talk a little faster and maybe get a little comfort so you can rest tonight
I'm sorry I wish I did, I only have yahoo messenger set-up.
I really appreciate you reaching out!
i set that up too to chat with my sis, but i have never used it...lets try
mine is adriennef23
Mine is the same as my screen name here Stardust865
are you in usa?? if so are you on the east coaset? i know you really don't want to give out too much info--i am same way but i know that my suboxone doctor has openings. i drive 4hours one way to go see her. i know that it is a long drive but it will be worth it. i tried to get sub off the street i did but did not work out. so here i am. if you want my doctor write back or email me Shortcake7302@aol.com
I am in MI-where are you?
Hi stardust,
I am sorry u r having such a hard time trying to find help. I know that is got to b the most agrvating (SP) ting in the world. I hope u have called the doctors in your local phone book. Some of them r great or could tell u where to get the help maybe. I don't or haven't taken it so I really am not good help. But I am here for ya. Anytime u need to talk or vent im right here or at jtrchead@bellsouth.net.

Hope u have a better day 2day. I am praying for u to find the right one. God Bless You
hey star,
i enjoyed our chat last night--im wondering how you are feeling today?

are you sticking to the plan we talked about?

just wanted to remind you that you ARE worth the effort getting to the clean life

keep us posted

Thanks Tina I appreciate it! Hey Adrienne I am doing ok today. I really appreciated the chat last night. So far I have done really well with holding off. I am feeling good about it. I will continue to stick to the plan! Thanks for checking in on me!