Fell Off The Wagon Then Got Run Over By It!

Well I am back. I had one week clean and thought everything was going ok, I had my ups and downs just as we all do. Then my husband and I went to Canada for a formal affair, and the next day my sciatica was acting up so I figured I would get some 222's since I was here anyway. Well the addict in me chose to get the bottle of 200 instead of 100 claiming it was more cost efficient, (I can't believe I am actually admitting to this hee hee) anyhow I got them and took them and took them and well you know the cycle. I started taking them during the day and at night and most of the time I had no pain. Then I was able to get 10 lortabs which I also took never more than two a day and at the end of them I took only one a day. I know I absolutely can't have anything to do with the pills I can't take them for my back pain. I did get 800 motrin from the doctor for any pain I might have. I had some detox stuff that I wanted to start a few weeks back but when I got the pills I figured I would just wait. So I started my new quitting date Sunday The w/ds are not so bad and thankfully I didn't go to my doctor for my lortabs as I could and thought of it I have so many sources that I have not been to him in over a year so he probably would think I am doing fine. The detoxing pills seem to help, and I am still doing the over the counter medications. Just wanted to let everyone who was so supportive and helpful that I am going to get thru this damn thing and maybe you can help me or I can help you I don't know I do know this is a life changing time for all of us. I am still coping with the depression I do think it is related to the w/ds and getting my body back to normal, plus if I am not clinically depressed I don't want to start taking more pills and I don't think I am. Thanks for all the support guys.
PS At times I do stay off this site because sometimes the talk of the pills is a trigger for me but I will be back.
Roxy...I'm sorry that this site triggers you, but know that you're not alone. Coming back and telling on yourself is BIG. I just hope that you have support at home and that you don't do this by yourself. What about NA or AA? What about counseling? You're so right when you say that you can't be trusted with pills. You can't ever have control of them again.

Glad you came back and I hope I see you more.
