Over the past couple days I have been a little disappointed in the dialogue that has been going back and forth. This board has been a tremendous part of my recovery and I don't want to lose that or anyone that posts here. Lets make an agreement that what was said is "WATER UNDER THE BRIDGE". We all don't have to like each other but lets cut out the nonsense. I think if we all support each other alot more of us will be successful on the road to recovery. If you don't like something that is posted just ignore it. Then threads that are just plain mean to people are never started. I hope you guys agree with me and I thank you all for the support I have received. It has truly been a life saver for me.
Thanks for listening,
OMG, I finally know your first name, its funny you posted that cause I was gonna ask you earlier what your name really was.
I'm with you on most things Gotta, I mean Chris, and this is no exception. I really have learned to take what I need amd leave the rest, I hope you do the same.
Sometimes emotions spill over, I've been guilty of getting my feelings hurt or reading something that maybe really was not there, we just gotta roll with the punches, or at least dodge them.
Always good to hear from you my friend,
Redd.....a.k.a. Amy
I'm with you on most things Gotta, I mean Chris, and this is no exception. I really have learned to take what I need amd leave the rest, I hope you do the same.
Sometimes emotions spill over, I've been guilty of getting my feelings hurt or reading something that maybe really was not there, we just gotta roll with the punches, or at least dodge them.
Always good to hear from you my friend,
Redd.....a.k.a. Amy
ok chris,
consider this post my signature on the petition, pact truce or whatever its called. count me in always.
consider this post my signature on the petition, pact truce or whatever its called. count me in always.
Terrianne you always came in peace! Thats what I love about you!
your posts always brings a warm smile to my face, i'm glad your here apart of the group. we need lots more like you around as well : )
your posts always brings a warm smile to my face, i'm glad your here apart of the group. we need lots more like you around as well : )
sorry to hear about any discourse on the board, but i've found that this happens on any board or chat i have ever been in. we are all human beings and subject to all sorts of disagreements. i always try to remember that people are human and will act in every way possible, that's what makes us different. i've been there, when i have defended someone, or been defended. I once had someone make a cruel remark when i mentioned that my friend was dying from cancer. Here...especially...we are all under pressure, depression and withdrawal...it may be a good thing to remember that.
very good point, there are several people in my neighbor hood who i dont agree with and have my opinions and even my family membors for that matter.those people have ticked me off at certains times. but i always still will wave smile or say hi anyway. cause i know when one of us needs each other i could count on anyone of them in a crisis. when the power goes out or a tree falls. everyone pulls together and offers up support. point is i might not like certain antics of certain people but that wont stop me from being who i am and helping out in a pinch. i believe we all have it in us somewhere. i am sure it will shine through eventually. thats what i pray for, for us all
very good point, there are several people in my neighbor hood who i dont agree with and have my opinions and even my family membors for that matter.those people have ticked me off at certains times. but i always still will wave smile or say hi anyway. cause i know when one of us needs each other i could count on anyone of them in a crisis. when the power goes out or a tree falls. everyone pulls together and offers up support. point is i might not like certain antics of certain people but that wont stop me from being who i am and helping out in a pinch. i believe we all have it in us somewhere. i am sure it will shine through eventually. thats what i pray for, for us all
Gottahavefaith, now I'm confused..... I always thought you were a girl and now I see your name is Chris and I'm not sure if you are male or female.
Which one is it?
Which one is it?
Hey Danny,
How are ya' tonight?
How are ya' tonight?
Hey Redd..a little anxious about my Dr. visit tomorrow..I only slept 2 hours last night. I need more than that obviously but I get nervous before every one of these
Danny, you having that precedure done again, that assectomy or whatever its called?
I don't blame you Danny, you will be in my thoughts tomorrow.......good luck!
John, you just made me laugh my a** off..thanks..nope..they went down the other way (notice I said down and not up). I get the verdict tomorrow morning and they have me scheduled for some blood work for some reason. My 19 year old daughter is coming with me. If you guys don't hear from me for a couple of days, it's because they admitted me into in-patient. You know, it's been two weeks since I had the ERCP done and I still feel it. It really wiped me bad..
Well good luck Danny, I'll be praying for ya.