Ok so yesterday I had it in my mind to come off, but unfortuneatly I did not make it through day one. I felt so horrible, and I had chest pains which I have never experienced before. Now I have been messing around with a fetynol patch does anyone know anything about these?
Not much....except that they are a dangerous and highly addictive narcotic.
You will not find sobriety and recovery in a Fentanyl patch.
Sending you a prayer.
You will not find sobriety and recovery in a Fentanyl patch.
Sending you a prayer.
Fetanyl patches are designed for slow release. Its a powerful narcotic. By cutting them open you are risking overdose. Please rethink this. Is your life worth losing for a high? I don't think so. Withdraws are bad, I get that, I've been through it. You have to be willing to do whatever it takes to get clean, and not be the one in control. Find someone to help you, a doctor, NA, even a church group can provide you with some support. Go the ER, and just tell them you can't do it anymore, they will help you find where it is you need to be. There is never any reason to do this alone. Good luck, and please be careful, those patches are nothing but trouble.
Fetanyl patches are designed for slow release. Its a powerful narcotic. By cutting them open you are risking overdose. Please rethink this. Is your life worth losing for a high? I don't think so. Withdraws are bad, I get that, I've been through it. You have to be willing to do whatever it takes to get clean, and not be the one in control. Find someone to help you, a doctor, NA, even a church group can provide you with some support. Go the ER, and just tell them you can't do it anymore, they will help you find where it is you need to be. There is never any reason to do this alone. Good luck, and please be careful, those patches are nothing but trouble.
If you think detoxing off of percocet or vicodin is bad, then you don't even want to get hooked on those patches. They are the absolute worst withdrawal I have ever experienced. Every month, I would be on them for about 20 days. Then the withdrawals would set in. Even percocet didn't ease the withdrawals much. That's how strong that s*** is.
And if you are using them in a way that is not directed, they are dangerous and deadly. I did that my very first time. And I probably should've been in the hospital. I was puking and so sick for several hours. I thought I was going to die.
That stuff is not something to mess around with.
If you think detoxing off of percocet or vicodin is bad, then you don't even want to get hooked on those patches. They are the absolute worst withdrawal I have ever experienced. Every month, I would be on them for about 20 days. Then the withdrawals would set in. Even percocet didn't ease the withdrawals much. That's how strong that s*** is.
And if you are using them in a way that is not directed, they are dangerous and deadly. I did that my very first time. And I probably should've been in the hospital. I was puking and so sick for several hours. I thought I was going to die.
That stuff is not something to mess around with.
Yeah I know they are dangerous, it was just something I thought I would try good thing I found that I really don't like them and buying them off the street too expensive!!! They would just wear off to quick. So today I have only taken one and a half pills.I don't feel any withdrawal but night times for me are so hard thats usually when it affects me the worst!!! I really appreciate everyones support. Please do not think for one second that I am not listening I truley am and taking it all in. I only have a few pills left I am going to try and tapper down off of them atleast until I get my anxiety medication. I am just scared that next week I will be able to refill my tramadol prescription and we all know that coming off takes a lot of self control and I pray that I have it and I won't call the prescription in. The only thing I am truley worried about is the pain in my ankle being too overwhelming!!! For those of you who don't know it all started with my ankle injury. I was in the U.S. Marine Corps and got medically discharged for my ankle and some depression issues. So right now I am at 40% disability so I don't know what to do!!!! I am just scared that I will have pain for the rest of my life and damn(excuse my language) I will never heal whether it is physically or mentally and I am only 22 years old!
Fentanyl is very very short acting = highly addictive
Stay away from Fentanyl
Stay away from Fentanyl
Yeah I figured that out real quick, I also discovered that I do not like them so that is a good thing right? I just wish these pills were not addicting. I wish my doctor would have never prescribed them in the first place because then I wouldn't be in the boat I am in right now.
Fiona...it is neither your Doctors fault nor is it the pills fault.
You are in control of what you do...it is very easy to shift blame. Don't do that, take responsibility for your self and your own actions and get honest with your Doctor about your addiction. Tell him that you are an addict and that you need help.
That script that is waiting to be filled next week is not there because the pill fairy came down and waved a magic wand. Doctors must bear some responsibility but as addicts we can manipulate anyone anything at anytime to get our fix.
Honesty is a good place to start.
You are in control of what you do...it is very easy to shift blame. Don't do that, take responsibility for your self and your own actions and get honest with your Doctor about your addiction. Tell him that you are an addict and that you need help.
That script that is waiting to be filled next week is not there because the pill fairy came down and waved a magic wand. Doctors must bear some responsibility but as addicts we can manipulate anyone anything at anytime to get our fix.
Honesty is a good place to start.
Kee Kee,
What a perfect thing to say to anyone who is struggling with addiction. Your words are so true.
My doctors didn't get me addicted they were helping me control my pain. I got addicted to the pills. I went to the doctors to get more perscriptions the doctors didn't call me or knock on my door and ask me if I needed more.
Doctors helped me become un addicted. Doctors cared for me during and after my detox.
Doctors aren't the bad guy, addiction is.
What a perfect thing to say to anyone who is struggling with addiction. Your words are so true.
My doctors didn't get me addicted they were helping me control my pain. I got addicted to the pills. I went to the doctors to get more perscriptions the doctors didn't call me or knock on my door and ask me if I needed more.
Doctors helped me become un addicted. Doctors cared for me during and after my detox.
Doctors aren't the bad guy, addiction is.
Hi Catherine...good to see you.
I have first hand knowledge of how easy it was for me to blame others for what I was doing to myself. Trust me...it was the Doctors fault, the nurses fault my husbands fault....the kids fault...my boss's fault.
I understand how you do that Fiona...it is your illness talking. The reality of the situation is that it is your fault. However...that doesn't mean you are a bad person...no...no...no....you have a very powerful baffling and cunning disease and left untreated.....it will kill you.
The blame game does nothing...serves no purpose and is a waste of time and energy. Its time to move into a solution....but you have to be ready to go to any length and I mean any length to recover!
Said with kindness and respect.
(It is just so hard to read that here)
I have first hand knowledge of how easy it was for me to blame others for what I was doing to myself. Trust me...it was the Doctors fault, the nurses fault my husbands fault....the kids fault...my boss's fault.
I understand how you do that Fiona...it is your illness talking. The reality of the situation is that it is your fault. However...that doesn't mean you are a bad person...no...no...no....you have a very powerful baffling and cunning disease and left untreated.....it will kill you.
The blame game does nothing...serves no purpose and is a waste of time and energy. Its time to move into a solution....but you have to be ready to go to any length and I mean any length to recover!
Said with kindness and respect.
(It is just so hard to read that here)
Fiona, I think we all have wished at some point in our addiction that our doctor didn't prescribe them to us but I take full responsiblity for my actions because I was the one who kept going back getting the pills from her knowing I had a problem. It's not like she came chasing me down in the street saying here is your next refill. It wasn't until I got completely honest with myself and my doctor about my addiction and got f2f support was I able to stop the madness. You are only 22 and you have your whole life ahead of you. Don't waste any more time. Life is to short. Put down the pills and the alcohol and get the help you deserve. Shantel