Finally Getting Help

hey! i just got back from an NA meeting tonight. im not addicted to anything but if youve read anything ive written you know that my boyfriend was and that he ment the world to me. well, as i was saying; i went to this meeting tonight and it was awsome... im not addictd to anything and yet it helped me a lot. it helped me a bit to understand what RCD was going through (through the eyes of another addict). the meetings were only an hour long but i am deffinitally going again. i think the more i go the more i will understand and the betteri will beable to deal with everything....
thanks for listening,i suggest this to everyone. addicts who want help and non addicts who want to help and understand... best of luck

much love to all, hope everyone is doing well,
Hey there, Bravo for you for the support you are giving. I think that that is one of the best ways to help someone in this situation. Please always be there as long as you can for your loved one. My husband has been terrific for me. If I was alone I am not sure I would make it.

God Bless!