First Time Trying To Get Clean

not sure how this really works i have been on a real rollercoaster ride for about 13 yrs. cant go to re-hab afraid will lose my job. finally have had enough of this life !!! going to try and just find any and all self help sites and just do it. my whole world is about to just dissapear . single dad with both my children from 2 different mariges. so close to losing my house and my kids. found this site while looking on internet for help.
From "rollercoaster ride" I take that to mean you get clean once in a while?

If so, then just commit to staying clean next time you get clean.
This site is like "Staying Clean for Dummies".

Are you using currently?
Tell us what's up so we can help.

I didn't do rehab and I'm drug free.
Keep coming back.
Welcome, this is a message board where people respond when they log in and see your message. Since we are from all over the place and several time zones it might mean it'll be several hours or overnight before you get a good thread going. You've come to the right place and the Pain Pills forum is very active with lots of good recovery. Stick around, it sounds like you have your work cut out for you.

Peace ~ MomNMore

PS Mark, you might take some heat on the "Dummies" thing ;-)
Hey Now,

Welcome to the board. I hope you keep comming back.

Are you familiar with quitting using, is the issue you can not stay clean, even thought you want to. If so then you might be an addict.

Please feel free to give us some more details, it's really just a process of identification.

Some folks know by the time they google, help with pain pills, booze, drugs etc. that they have a problem.

Others dicover it along the way,

From your post it seems like you got alot going on.

I'm here if you need me brother.

Just a little question to get the ball rolling, if you like to give the process a go,

------>cant go to re-hab afraid will lose my job

What do you suppose will happen should you continue to get loaded, is job loss a possiblity down the road you are currently on.

I wish you so much luck in getting clean! The people on this board are amazing as most of them have been through the same thing. You've found the right site! Take care!
Take it back Mark before I have to hurt you. No dummies here.

I hope you come back and check in Dad....lot of people here who have been in your shoes and we want to help and support you.
I was going to leave it alone when mom warned me, but I guess I must reply.

There is an NA meeting in town called: Staying Clean for Dummies.
I've been to it and it's good.

There's also a book with the same title.

It's a take-off on the bestseller Windows for Dummies. There are now many software instructional books that also copy that name.
I think the implication is that they are written in laymans language, not computerese.

I certainly didn't mean to imply that anyone here is dumb.

Google - for dummies books - and I think you'll get my drift. I doubt the purchaser of Anatomy and Physiology for Dummies considers the title to be a personal affront to his intelligence.
hell, Im reading Disney World for Dummies right now I love their books
Mark, I was only teasing, and so was Lisa...hence the winking icon. I think you'd be hard pressed to find anyone in this country who hasn't seen or read a Dummies book.

Just kidding around, people...
Ok, mom.
You had me a little worried there...
Like, maybe time for you to get out a little more. Maybe take in a Border's book store or a library. lol

However, Lisa didn't have a wink...
So, Lisa, I take it back!
;-)'re right, and no <eg> either, so maybe I shouldn't be speaking for her...
I said it with love..but meant it, no dummies here. I've read too many posts where people think they are stupid for being an addict.
have never really tried to stop just sometimes take alot less . i had a pretty nasty construction accident . fell from top of building putting new roof trusses on 25 ft fall hit a gate post between two buildings and then hit concrete . have alot of back and neck pain . doctors are always just giving me muscle relaxers and pain pills . well it will be 13 yrs in feb since fall . been on them so long cant seem to get off them. i use my monthly prescription in about 6 days the rest i just get . whatever i can find . and yes if i would get hurt or get popped for a random at work i would be termed .actually scared as dumb as that sounds to try and just stop and deal with whatever pain i have . its to easy to just keep popping pills and keep working . but its getting in the way of my life with my kids . they have noticed i take alot of medicine asking questions i got no answers .and getting to where i spend alot of money on the side to get the extra i take . any idea on effects of just stopping ? or how long it takes ? and thanks for replys dont really have anyone to discuss this with .
This is the first place I said that I was an addict. What a relief that was to say it. To see it in print.

Alot of advice and love on this board. We have all been there, or are there. How's it going?

Stopping the drugs takes just a second.

One day you'll come to the decision.
Then it's done.
You've stopped.
It really is that simple.

Of course, there's the withdrawals to deal with. That'll make you really sick for three or four days.

But if you look at it as just another sickness that you have to endure, like the flu, then it becomes just that; a sickness that you have to endure.
But you know that it will come to an end. So that helps.
There's light at the end of the tunnel at least.

Then, since you've used for 13 years straight, you'll have the blahs and weakness for some weeks after the acute symptoms subside.
That's to be expected... you've messed with your brain chemicals for a long time.
We're not supposed to mess with mother nature. There's a price to be paid for that. Call it a hangover. A really long hangover.

So there you go. It's doable by anyone. You just have to make up your mind to do it.
I hope you do.
You deserve it.
Dad with kids:

I am certainly no expert as I am just recently clean from pain pills, a 4, almost 5 year habit of 250 mg. a day loratab addiction.
To be honest, I took a week off of work and just did it. I talked to my husband who had no idea I was using. I made arrangements for the kids to stay with friends, my husband went out of town and I guessed it was as good of time as any to do it NOW.
So, it was hard, it was tedious, it was mentally challenging but when I realized the "Demons had left the building", my mind became clearer and the urges waned. Today, after my first full nights sleep, I am feeling better and better. I have been taking vitamins to help me regain some energy and I am attending my first NA meeting on Monday.
I get heart palpatations at times and feel a little anxious but I find I'm not thinking of using, I feel it is just a reaction of my body going back to what it used to be.
The money issue was a big, big part of my addiction. I never obtained a prescription, I always bought them off the street and it basically has bankrupted me, however, I am hopeful that I will financially be back on track at some point. I would rather be broke and clean anyway.
been a long week need a new job talked to my kids about what i have going on not a full disclosure but they know i want to stop taking pain meds both said they would help especially with chores and such they are so great !! the only reason i even want to quit if not for them i would just keep taking and work 7 days a week i have decided to just stop taking a week off work told dr did not want any more pain pills i will take muscle relaxers and continue with physical therapy NOT looking forward to this vacation LOL when i read all other posts i feel not so alone and sooo glad i only have one addiction to deal with FOGGY EYES you must be a very strong woman to be dealing with so many other problems i hope your counsling goes well i hope that helps with all your problems and thanks to all for replies and all advice will keep you posted TTYL

here are a couple of sites i used when i helped my daughter thru a seven day detox.
also i went to my local pharmacy and spent over $120 on over the counter meds such as gravol, immoduim dm, vitamin b12, etc. anything with dm in it has a small amt of opiate which might help curb the wd symptoms. good luck