I wanted to post some support and love for Sammy. We all know how wonderful she's been to all of us here. Her loving heart knows no bounds.
When the strange attacks came from these new people, I had no idea what havoc they had already created for our Sammy.
As most of us know, Sammy has an online recovery group called PA. While she dedicates much of her time to this very reputable group, she also always tries to make time for us to share her strength, hope, wisdom and inspiration.
I was dismayed to find out the trolls that appeard here had been tormenting her and her group for two weeks now. The nasty comments I heard tonight have also been directed at Sammy.
Even though she has been through the most difficult of times in her personal life, she still had to fend off these trolls who went to her site to discredit the whole basis of the group.
If that wasn't bad enough, they showed up here to discredit her group as well.
Sammy has worked hard for a long time to make that recovery group a welcome and informative place. No one is turned away and love is given to all.
It was highly innapropriate to bring such slander here.
I will boycott these people completly and hope that all those here with love and respect for Sammy will do the same.
Sammy, we are grateful for all that you do and offer our condolances that you have had to endure such rudeness.
You are very loved and apreciated.
Love, Kat
Hi Kat!
I just logged on - havent been on in quite awhile and I find it horrible for ANYONE to try to cause such havoc for Sammy.
I, for one, came to this site in August of 2004. Sammy (as well as you, Kat) was one of the very first people to reach out and try to help me in ANY way possibe. I'll never forget that she unselfishly went totally out of her way to e-mail me personally at least 25 pages of info that she knew that I was having problems with. I never even ASKED her to do this, as I know that she has a VERY busy life. I really couldnt believe that there were still people around like that that would go OUT OF THIER WAY for NO PERSONAL GAIN - only with the desire to help another fellow addict in need.
Sammy definately has my support 100% and I know of MANY MANY others who feel the exact same way.
Kat, thanks for starting this thread. You are such a good friend, sweetie. I hope all is going well for you, girlfriend.
Love you,
I just logged on - havent been on in quite awhile and I find it horrible for ANYONE to try to cause such havoc for Sammy.
I, for one, came to this site in August of 2004. Sammy (as well as you, Kat) was one of the very first people to reach out and try to help me in ANY way possibe. I'll never forget that she unselfishly went totally out of her way to e-mail me personally at least 25 pages of info that she knew that I was having problems with. I never even ASKED her to do this, as I know that she has a VERY busy life. I really couldnt believe that there were still people around like that that would go OUT OF THIER WAY for NO PERSONAL GAIN - only with the desire to help another fellow addict in need.
Sammy definately has my support 100% and I know of MANY MANY others who feel the exact same way.
Kat, thanks for starting this thread. You are such a good friend, sweetie. I hope all is going well for you, girlfriend.
Love you,
Thanks, Marie. Anyone who has worked as hard as Sammy, not only on her own recovery, but to spress the message and unselfishly care for all her fellow addicts, does not deserve this kind of assault. I feel it's the least we can do to return to give her out utmost respect and support against her attackers. Bashing her on the PA site wasn't good enough for them. They had to bring it here to further her stress.
Such sick people, to hurt the ones who try so hard to help.
Hope you're doing great too, Marie. I'm still laughing at your emails.
Love, Kat
Such sick people, to hurt the ones who try so hard to help.
Hope you're doing great too, Marie. I'm still laughing at your emails.
Love, Kat
Hey Marie, Haven't seen you in awhile, how are you doing?
Hey Kat, I couldn't sleep again. Insomnia just isn't letting up. I agree about Sammy. She is good people. The trolls will be gone soon, I'm sure.
Hey Kat, I couldn't sleep again. Insomnia just isn't letting up. I agree about Sammy. She is good people. The trolls will be gone soon, I'm sure.
Hey Liz, looks like they are gone for now. wooo hooo
Hey Pam,
Yeah, maybe for good. I hope. Well, so you think you have insomnia due to the cymbalta? LOL, I don't think that's my problem though, I've been going through this for a couple of weeks.
Yeah, maybe for good. I hope. Well, so you think you have insomnia due to the cymbalta? LOL, I don't think that's my problem though, I've been going through this for a couple of weeks.
No, it is not the Cymbalta. I have had the same problem for a few weeks too. More than likely it is coming off of the opiates. That stuff messes up your sleep everytime, even when you aren't using them anymore. I have already taken some Benedryl and I am just waiting for it to kick in. Hopefully soon. I was trying to talk to whathaveidone and he dissappeared. Oh well, there is always another day.
I've tried benedryl and it doesn't work for me either. Nothing helps. I thought whathaveIdone was a woman?
Me too and I addressed him as a woman and he set me straight on that one real quick like...lol
lol, ok, yeah, sometimes it real hard to tell on here. We just kind of assume. But, by my name you can pretty much assume. LOL
Yes, our name and avatar gives us away everytime. LOL
I just got on here after talking to Kat a few minutes ago. I have not even read the posts yet directed to you or to me because I was gone most of the evening.. Just wanted to say that I love you and please ignore the trolls. You are a kind and loving person. No one offers people more love and support than you do. Some are just sicker than others Sammy. You know who your friends are and you have lots of them.
God bless you Sammy for all you do.
I just got on here after talking to Kat a few minutes ago. I have not even read the posts yet directed to you or to me because I was gone most of the evening.. Just wanted to say that I love you and please ignore the trolls. You are a kind and loving person. No one offers people more love and support than you do. Some are just sicker than others Sammy. You know who your friends are and you have lots of them.
God bless you Sammy for all you do.
Yup, Sammy's one of a kind.
Hey Kat -
Sorry I didnt get back last night - I was literally falling asleep at the keyboard, so, I just hopped on and then right back off again.
How are things going with you? As for me, I'm hanging in there. The cancer has not spread, thank God, and I'm having it checked periodically, as its VERY unpredictable.
I thought you guys might enjoy some of those emails LOL. Some are corny, but some are pretty funny. I hope you and your family are doing well.
Hey Liz,
Same goes for you, girlie - I fell asleep at the keyboard. Whoevever was asking about the Cymbalta - I take it and have no problems with insomnia whatsoever. Did you say that you were having problems with it Liz? I had thought that it was working well for you awhile back.
Well, ladies, I wish all of you a pleasant day, as I am off to take my 15yr old to school. I will hopefully be on again later to catch up.
Sorry I didnt get back last night - I was literally falling asleep at the keyboard, so, I just hopped on and then right back off again.
How are things going with you? As for me, I'm hanging in there. The cancer has not spread, thank God, and I'm having it checked periodically, as its VERY unpredictable.
I thought you guys might enjoy some of those emails LOL. Some are corny, but some are pretty funny. I hope you and your family are doing well.
Hey Liz,
Same goes for you, girlie - I fell asleep at the keyboard. Whoevever was asking about the Cymbalta - I take it and have no problems with insomnia whatsoever. Did you say that you were having problems with it Liz? I had thought that it was working well for you awhile back.
Well, ladies, I wish all of you a pleasant day, as I am off to take my 15yr old to school. I will hopefully be on again later to catch up.
Kat wow i never knew. sammy you are so muched loved here hun may i apoligise for my fellow human being who know not what they are saying. jaxxxxxxxxxxx
You know your loved by many! You are one of a kind. I am glad to know you. take care and will give you a call real soon.
love ya,
You know your loved by many! You are one of a kind. I am glad to know you. take care and will give you a call real soon.
love ya,
You are loved Sammy. By many here, by me a lot.
me too, sammy!
try to have a good day...
try to have a good day...
You are rock solid.
Sammy Im sorry that happened...Your the coolest.