Friend Addicted To Vicadin, Needs Help

I just found out a friend of mine drowns his emotions in alcohol and vicadin, and I don't know how I can help. Any advice is helpful. thanks
Does your friend know he might have a problem? Would you be willing to talk to him? Would he be willing to talk to someone about his use? Many patient with him but firm're gonna need a lot of love, time, and patience with this but as long as you feel the situation is not useless, then there is hope.

Does your friend want help? I took vicodin for four years. It is heroin's cousin. I'm alsoan alcoholic. Depending on how much your friend is using, he may need help in an inpatient setting if possible. Unfortunately, there's not a whole lot that JUST YOU can do. But if he even thinks he might have a problem he could tell a DR. who could suggest a next step. Your friend will probably not want to do this, if he's like me, his DR's are his dealer's. So maybe you could ask your Dr.

I'm in outpatient treatment now. And invovled in AA. Sobriety is difficult, but soooo much easier than numbing out all of the crap that I couldn't cope with. But I became so so depressed when using, not using, running out of pills, etc. I even tried suicide more than once. There is hope. There is help. The first step is just to admit, kind of sort of somewhat that he has a problem.

Do you think you could've stopped using painkillers if you had not gone in a residential treatment center? I have the same problem you describe but the cravings and obsession for ONE MORE PILL has prevented me from recovery. I had a promising career...I've lost it all on narcotic painkillers. Thanks.