From Crack To Needle


ive been posting on the cocaine/crack board most of this time, im a recoving crack addict who used to spike myself with coke when i couldnt smoke anymore, i prefered the needle but couldnt always get vains so i smoked instead,
my spiking friends all turned to herione when i was struggeling to stay clean, my cousin is one of them,

my question is to u, what difference is there in the signs when OD on coke and herione???

pls advice i have no clue, my cousin gonna kill herself but i aint strong enought to help, this is for her mom

God Bless

Yo Lulu,

CONGRATS on your clean time.

Thankfully I don't know the OD differences......somebody will though.

Right now I wouldn't do any heroin....duh I guess not.....I mean there's been that fentanyl laced heroin, and lifers are even ODing on ya been clean and dope is not forgiving.

Hope someone posts for ya soon.....gain congrats.......nice of your cousins to help ya out there........oh that gets me PO'd.........I NEVER turned anyone on to heroin even when it could have benefited me........not that I am saintly, but I would not wany anyone ever to have to suffer that stuff.
To kept it simple - you have a chance if you OD on heroin. A cocaine od hits your heart fast & furious- - the rapid heartbeat- sweating, exteme nerousness & paranoia-- plus the shot gets to your heart so fast that it could take you out in a few seconds.
With dope- -
Your breathing is slowed -heartrate is slowed -you might have time for a 911 phone call(tell them to bring naltraxone)- with coke- not much you can do but pray.

be careful
cocaine overdoses are horrible!!!!
Thanks so much for your reply,

my cousin is so bad my aunt is waiting for her to OD and die, i know it sounds harsh but its really sad. I wasnt to sure about to sure about the different affects, as we recently found out she is doing both!

I still pray for her, if i can be clean so can she!!!!


God Bless
