G O O S....afternoon

goos...........'just wanted to have a place for us to shoot the breeze...

touch base with one another and everything...............

have a nice day everyone..........
i have to run some errands and stuff.................
have fun posting and God Bless you all

love u


Hi all,

Hope you are all having a great saturday, my hun is at a bass tourney,( better bring home thr money tonight.LOL) so was going to finish decorating his office, but my brother came over w/ my 18 month nephew, I was wishing he had brought the new one to, but mom and him stayed home. Have you guys heard the song "Watch you" its country.well that is the two of them, they have now left, was thinking about turning on a movie and chill, I have been moving furniture and boxes the last few days so my back is really starting to hurt.........but wanted to check in and see how all are doing..
Nice and sunny in Calif......

can i come and chill with you in sunny cali?


i am sure we would have fun.........lol

gosh traci........it so cold here is like 15 degrees.......snow every where...

my parents are in maui......
they went to hunaloou......i cant spell hang on .HONOLULU......

and then flew to maui and they are there now and my mom is so excited she is eating mangos and all kinds of fruits that she ate in thailand.....
she is a tropical person by nature, being from bangkok thailand and all.....

my brother is fl and here i am in mich freezing........

keri (littlebeach) and kee kee are so blessed to reside there on the islands...

i can tell in my moma's voice that is just paradise......

tim.............mom said she is watching all the sufers and i thought of you right away............*smile*

well no goos moring today huh?
not much activity here either...............

stacey..........ya know i am praying for you my dear.......

stephy......i love u...whoo hoo..........*smile*

janet, java, kim, tim, jeffery, doug, MJ, shantel.....goosers....take care.

love from my heart to yours........

moknie (eric)...i am not giving up on you.....

hugs and kisses, love and wishes..............
thats my saying....lol

any hear form CG.......hope she is having a wondeful time...

rae, brooke, stacey(gorden24), kat256, 12steeper........*hugs*

((((((((((((sammy))))))))))))))...........sure do miss u

gina(soccermom)...........so nice to see you posting.........
little H..........*HUGS*